stone giants witb goblins

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I was woken up in the night, about one o clock, we where leaving rivendale. I went to go get Marie, I found her room and knocked. I told her well be leaving around one o clock. I knocked and she opened up. "You ready?" I asked "I need your help." Sje said "ok" I said walking in to her room. "I have all the clothes, but I need help picking put a weapon that is easy t use and carry" she said "eell how bout a bow and arrow and daggers." I said "sure, thanks" she said getting the things and heading out with me.

We started out, we found out that balin knew the parts si he lead on. I was walking with bilbo hold I g his a hand when bofur approached us. "Ha I knew it" he said "yah yah yah" I said and then slapped him. He walked away and we went back k to talking. I wAlked up to Marie and we talked about stuff, when it started ti rain. And the worst part is that we had to go over a cliff, a narrow one. I was called up father so he could keep me safe, so I walked up to him and hugged him.
He looked at me to say it's gonna be alright. We started to walk along the path, as we got farther, the rain hot stronger. My face was hurting and the wing holes where in pain. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning. I hate thunder storms, they freak me out.
The path got narrower so I was in front of my dad si he can keep an eye on me.
Suddenly, lighting hit the rock above us so my dad covered me with his wide body. We looked up "this is no thunderstorm, it's a thunder battle, look" balin yelled. We looked and saw stone giants. I saw Marie, she was terrified, couldn't blame her. We started to go again but the floor cracked and some of us separated.
I was on the side that my father wasn't on. I was on the back to keep Bilbo and Marie safe.but it was the bad side. I was cluching on the rock for dear life. I was looking back at dad. He had a petrified look on his face. "DADA" I screamed. I had tears in my eyes, I wanted my father. Suddenly the side that j was on separated ferther from the other and that we where in front of them. I looked at my dad, my lip was shaking and i had tears in my eyes. "DADDY, PLEASE HELP ME" I screamed "your going g to be alright Caroline" he said, his voice cracked. Suddenly the wall made contact with the other wall. I was thrown on the ground, hard. "CAROLINE, KILI" I heard my dad yell. He saw me and smiled, but he rushed to me because I was going in and out of concenssness. He picked me up and that it I couldn't see nothing.

I could hear voices, the company voices. "Glion is she gonna be ok" I think I my dad "idk, we put the ring on her so she should not feel no pain, but she'll have a bump that's for sure." Glion said "as long if she is gonna be ok." Dad said I feel no pain. I started to see light, I saw shadows of the company. I groaned in pain, they all shuffled over to me "caroline, please wake up, your scaring me and your giving Bilbo a heart attack, and that is annoying." Dad said "shut it" Bilbo said "yah shut it" I said "I have a headach" I said "I bet" my dad said. I can fully see them now, and by the looms of Bilbo, yah I gave him a giod scare. "So how was your day" he asked "well, I got thrown at a wall, ehat did you do" I said smiling "same thing" he said smiling back. I got up and hugged Bilbo, I letted go but he didn't. "Bilbo, you need to let go" I said "no" he said "and I thought dwarfs where stubborn" I thought in my mind "eell I guess I am using Bilbo as a mattress" I said loudly "yep" Bilbo said "dwalin can you pull him off" I asked. Hr came over and pulled him off. We couldn't have a fire because my dad said so. I guess that were supposed to wait for Gandalf but were dichjng that plan. We where going to sleep and my dad letted me sleep own or with bilbo. I decided Bilbo.I m reasted my head on his chest, i was humming a tune that i know. "What is that tune." He asked "just a tune" I said (it's actually the Jurassic park theme, I'm watchinging it right now) "oh, I love it" he said "well I love you" I said "I love you too" he said
I fell asleep in his chest and was out like a light.

I was woken up by talking. I stayed low when I heard "trll Caroline i love her" Bilbo said "I wish you all the luck in the world, I really do" bofur said. He's leaving, how can he do that to me, he knows I love him. "Whats that" bofur said looking at Bilbo sword. It was glowing blue, which that means, an enemy is arriving. The floor started to crack. "Get up...Get up everyone." Thorin said I got up but I felt the falling sensation. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. "Omph" I said as i hit the ground "ugh that felt good" I said sarcasticly suddenly I was grabbed and held by goblins. They pinned my arms on my back, it was painful. I saw Bilbo duck hoping to get out. I hope he is going to be ok.

We where lead thought out the caves. The stench got worse and worse each step we took. I heard singing but I couldn't make it out. Suddenly I saw him, the goblin king. He was ugly.
I was in the back, the goblins whrre talking "it's a girl, girls are the worst." One of them said "yah, the king hates girls the most, she wpuld be torchered the most" the other one said

The goblin king started to talk but I didn't care,that's was ntill I said was brought up ti him. I struggled untill i gave up. "Whats this, a girl. What is a girl doing worh all men?" He asked "that's not any of ypur business troll face." I sneered "shut up, take her to the torched chamber" he ordered "no" my dad said

I was lead to the deepest of the cave, the company was following us. I was chaned up by my hands and feet and i was dangling. They bright out a goblin the had a Weip. I looked at my dad with scared eyes, he looked back with the same look. Suddenly I felt searing pain, it was from the wiped. But I would not scream, I would not give them that pleasure. They wiped me again. Still world not scream. They pit rhat away and brought out a pole and fire. They put the pole fr about an hour when the pole was Wight. They vame over and set the pole on my back, I couldn't handle IT anymore "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed tears where streaming down my face. I looked T my dad, he was crying harder then I was. I felt more pain on my neck. I screamed.
"What do you have to do now" the goblin said "that, you ginna die" I said in a very deep voice. They backed up, I grew my wing and broke out. I put on the bravery ring and ran twords the goblins and killed some but j was knocked out. All I could see was black but I could feel goblins fall on top of me.

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