war is here anyways

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Thorin leyted go of me and the others screamed for me. My plan kinda sorta failed because my wings wasent working roght but I still landed on the ground not dead. I landed shard the ground shook. I was furious at thorin, he would do that to a girl. I looked up seeing him grabbing Bilbo and Marie by the arm and dangling them off the side. My eings where working roght s and was about to fly up but "do not harm my burglar, please return him safely to me, as well as Marie. " Gandalf boomed I flew up and got them and took them down safely. I hugged Bilbo as he looked up. "So is it settled, the return of the arcenstone for what'd was promise" bard asked "what is your answer, will you have peace......Orr war" bard concluded I shook at the words war. Suddenly a raven came and landed in front of thorin and cherped "I eill have war" thorin said what was he doinf. He could get him self killed, even though he did that to me I still don't want him hurt. We looked to where we heard stomping, i groans in frustration. It was dain ironfoot, me and him are nit good friends, i mean yah I talk to him but he can be frustrating at times. I walk up to the front with Gandalf. "Good morning...how are we all....I got a wee propastion of you wouldn't mind a little bit of your time...would you...mind....JUST SODDING OFF." He yelled "all of yah" he yelled "dain ironfoot" Gandalf said "Gandalf the gray tell these people to leave" he said "he will do none of that, they are stubborn as dwarfs" I said "hello Caroline what I a little girl doing in an adult problem" he said "I am not little girl, i helped reclaimed erebor so back ylthe fuck off" I yelled "whoa" he said gamdalf said some things and dain said some things. Bilbo came and pulled me away. "What where you doing" he said I looked at him "up there, lieing" he said "oh, i could not let him hurt you, you mean every thing to me, i would doe with out knowing your safe." I said "well this isn't safe he said "I just saved you so there you go, this I what I get for return saving your life, you don't have wings I do but not you." I said "i didn't need your help, i was doing just fine" he said getting louder "so I shiuld jav let thori. Drop you fall in to your death" I said "yah you should" he said "wow just wow, you know you mean everything to me and you would leave me" I said "well at that time I didn't need you, dain is roght you shouldn't be here" he said, but he regretted it as soon as he saw my face. It was filled with hurtc I push him and walked away fighting tears. If he dosent need me, he so t get me.

They where still talking when we felt rumblings in the earth. It was now earthquake, it was werworms, they dig in the earth. One of them jumped out of the ground a ways back, but we saw orcs coming. I got my sword out and got ready for war, which wasent thori s choice it came anyways. I looked up and saw my father leave. I ran to the wall and the others saw me, they loomed mad. "Guys I didn't really steal the arcenstone" I said they looked confused "bolbo did, but balin said if he found it it would make it worst, so he did it with good intentions." I said "ohh" they all said "dwalin or somebody get me up tjere, i need to talk to my father weather he likes it or not" I said "he will kill you" theu said "I dont care" I said they passed a rope and i climbed up. Onve I was up they hug he me. "Yah yah yah hugs later, where thorin" I said "in the throne room." DwAlin said "I'll come woth you" he said I nodded and followed dwalin. "What are you gonna do" he asked "talk to him, i said that already" I said "ok ok jeez" he said I rolled my eyes we came to the throne room. I was scared but I knew I needed to do this. We walked in and thori. Saw me "what's she doing here, i daid she isn't supposed to be jere" he sneered "people are dieing, and you dont care, what of your cousin dain dies what would you do then" I said "get out you miserable Child" he snapped "no" I siad "ehat'' he said "I said NO" I screamed at him. "Did you hear me now thorin" I ssid "Caroline go it's not working go wait outside" he said "no she can stay I would like to jave a word with Caroline" thorin said. Thorin talked to dwalin "go... before I kill you" Jr said to dwalin "you will do no such thing" I said dwalin left me woth Thorin. He glerd at.me his stare was intimidating it frightened me "you where banished from here yet you broke my ordered" he said "I did IT woth good intentions" I said "what good intentions" he asked "that's not important, but haven't you seen your self, your going tminto madness, you can't see what you have become" I said "what do you knoe about me...nothing" he said "I know alot more, your my father" I said "you mever treated me like one" he said "yes I jave, i called you dada, i stayed by your side, i helped you look for the arcenstone, yes I stole it but I found it." I said "and withhold it frim me" he said "you jave changed Thor in and not entirely for the better. I want my father back the one who saved me te one who cared for me, the one that took me In as your own" I said he said nothing I shook my head and started to leave. "Stay where you are" je said I stopped and turned around "you Will stay by me at all times" he said "and why would I do that" i said "cauei said so" he said I said I would so I followed him to the place wjere fold was solid as rock and me and him walked on it.

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