abandon and found

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I was living a peaceful life, with the best parents ever and the best brother ever. Well had a lovely cottage and garden. That was until my parents decided to drink, they lost all there Money. So they told us that we where going to go get some more money. I was only 10 years old when it happened, we where in the middle of nowhere and they knocked me out and left me to die. Hours passed before I woke up, I remembered everything. I cried to my self, even though they did that to me, I still love and miss them. I sang a song that my mother used to sing to me

(Only a small part of the song)
I walk on the mountain tonight,
And footprints to be seen,
The kingdom of installation,
And it looks like I'm the queen,
The wind keeps Howlen,
Like the storm institute,
Couldn't keepthem in,
Heavens knows I tried,
Don't let them in don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be,
Conceal don't feel,
Don't let them know,
Well now they know,
Let it go let it go,

(All gose to rightful owner)
I sang that song many times. I sighed,
I walked along the road and kept on thinking where my parents are right now. My legs couldn't handle it anymore, they gave out and I collapsed. I thought to myself "goodbye world, I love you" closing my eyes. I slept for like hours, I thought no one Is going to find me. Another hour passed and I was still sleeping when I felt arms around me. Whoever it was they got a blanket and pillow for me. A couple of minutes passed and I woke up someone was driving and someone was sitting next to me. Be had black hair with some gray hair popping out, he also has Icey blue eyes. I moaned he looked at me "shush, don't talk, just rests" he said "who are you"I asked "my name is thorin oakenshield,I found you in the mud and sleeping. I picked you up. Now rest" he said I fell asleep again and this time I didn't wake up until he woke me up.

"What happened" I said getting up rubbing my head "you where left out in the woods and just laying there." He said "oh, I forgot your name" I said "thorin, and yours is" he said "my name is caroline" i said "nice to meet you caroline.can you tell me what happened?" Thorins asked "sure, we lost all our money because my parents decided to drink, so they told me that we where going ti get some more money from a friend, but they knocked me out and ditched me. I still love and miss them" I said "ok so they just left you" thorin asked I nodded "you poor thing, you deserved a better life then you did" he said "yah, wait where am I ami" asked "your in the blue Mountains" he said "oh ok" I said he looked at me in the eyes, they where loveing and sweet like a father would look at his daughter. "Caroline, I'll take you in as my own, I'll not have you sent back out there In the cold" he said "you will" I said smiling "yes" he said smiling back. I grinned and hugged him. "Thank you" I said "your welcome" he said. I realized something "wait, I forgot. I'm not a dwarf, I'm a skin changer" I said "I kinda figured that, dwarf woman have beards and there a little shorter then you. Don't worry, I'll love you the same." He said I just smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up in a new Room that I didn't know, so I just looked around like a dork. "I dont know where in the blue Mountains I am" i said out loud "your in a room" someone said "you don't sound like thorin, who are you" I heard children laughter "my name is fili" fili said "I'm kili, were brothers" kili said. They showed themselves. They where soo cute, they looked like they where about 5&10 years old. "Well I'm Caroline" I said they gasped "your the new daughter of our uncle thorin?!?" Fili asked "it looks like I am" i said smiling. Then they ran up to me and hugged me. "We're cousins then" kili said happily "yes you are" someone said I looked up "uncle thorin" they both said in unison and jump off me and ran to him. "I guess you met fili and kili" thorin said "yes" I said "well I'll show you around, thus is your room by the way"he said giving me a hand. I got up and he showed me around the blue Mountains and we had a good time with fili and kili, which are my new cousins.

Hi I hope you like this chapter, this is a back story so the next chapter is going to be more cool bye

adopted daughter of thorinWhere stories live. Discover now