fights and more fights

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I walked back in the house knowing beorn woukd stay out untill the others where asleep except for me. We all laid down and retired for the night. I saw Bilbo fiddling with something but I didn't pay much attention to it. I heard the door opened and i got up quietly and walked to my brother.I hugged him tightly.

Bilbo pov (short)
I was fiddling with a ring I found in the goblins can turn me invisible. Then I heard the door open, I got down low and saw Caroline walk up ti him and hug him tightly. Who is this man.

CAroline pov
I was woken up by Bilbo. He was shaking me, "bolbo you better have a good explanation for this" I said "I do, come woth me"he said "no, I'm tired" I said closing meh eyes. He mutterd somethi g and started to drag me. "Bilbo let me go, you idiot" I silently yelled "you wherd being stubborn." He said. We stopped in a room and he started to ask questions "who was that many you hugged" he asked "what" I said "you j is very well who I am talking about, he was shirtless" he said"oh him" I said "yah, him. Your cheating on me." He accused "no I'm not" I said "yes you are" he said "what make toy think that Bilbo" I said "you know what, I'm done" he said starting to walk away "oh so I can't hug meh brother" I said. He stopped "you said your brother died" he said "yah cause I never knew what happened to him" I said "Caroline im-" "no don't bother, I'm done just stay out of my life" I said walking out. How dare he acusseme of cheating on him, he knows I love him.

I walked into the kitchen with out given a clue of what happened, I saw my brother, he was talking to my father. Wait I haven't thought about this, what if beorn what's me to stay with him, what fojng to happen with beprn and thorin. I sat down next to my father, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and loomed ti my brother. "Uhh, I need to tell everyoneabout some thing" Gandalf said "as you all know, caroline was adopted by thorin, and no one knew where her family is, they where sluttered by orcs, but teo remained, it was her brothers who survived" he said "then who's the brother" ori asked "the brother is beorn, she saw him last night, making Bilbo think thst she cheated on him" he said "Gandalf, you heArd the fight didn't you" I said "yes I did" he said "you always E butting in" I said "yah yah yah." He said "so, who M j staying with, thorin or beorn" I askdd "me" Thorinand beorn said in unison.
"No me" beorn said "why you, you never came to look for her" thorin said "in the o e who took care of her most of her life" thorin sajd "I'm her brother, she needs to be with her own kind" beorn said "uhh, well jn a fairy" I said but they ignored me. "YOU JUST LEFT HER, I PICKED HER UP AND CARED FOR HER, WHIKE YOU JUST NEVER CAME BACK" MY dad yelled. "I THOUGHT SHE DIED" my brother heeled "WHAT KIND OF BROTHER ARE YOU THEN, THINKING SHE DIED, SHE ANT DEAD NOW OS SHE" my dad yelled even louder "ZHES STAYING WITH ME" beorn yelled "NO SHES STAYJNF WOTH ME" thorin yelled. I had enough of this "SHUT UP...BOTH KF YOU. DONT YOU THKNK ITS MY CHOICE ON WHO I WILL STAY WITH. ACTUALLY IT IS MY CHOICE, SO SIT YOUR BUTTS DOWN AND LISEN OR SOME ONE IS GONNA GET HURT" I yelled, my voice when deep when I yelled yhat so they sat down imedenly.
"Now there is faults about both of yu, I'll start woth you thorin" I said "ok for on" he voice shaking still from. Meh deep voice "thorin you can be angry, strict and many other things but beorn" j said "you can be, alot of things but the thing thst I never forgot themst you just left me there, you never came baxk or tride to find me" I said "so I'm sorry thorin." I said "thorin is my choice, he cared for me like a father should and loved like a fAther, you can be a father but I takes alot to be come a dada" j said hugging my father "well that'd then" Gandalf said and they went on ti talk. Bilbo tapped me on the shoulder, he gestured to follow him. I got up and followd him. He brought me to the room we where in earlier "what do you want" I said "I wAnt to say I'm sorry, I never ment in what I said" he ssid "the. Why did you say it, you can't jusy go jumping to conclusions" I said "I know, bit I love you too much and protection filled me. You know I love you more then anything." He said. I looked at him and smiled "I know, and you know I love you more then anything" I said Back. "I know, are we resolved and baxk together" he asked "yah" him said
vs smiled Nd pulled me in a passionent kiss. I pulled him closer without breaking the kiss. His lips whree sweet and smooth, I could never imagined leavening them. We broke apart only to kiss again. I smiled in the kiss, we broke apart and smiled. "I love you Caroline" he said "I love you too" i said. We walked out going g different ways to pack out stuff.

Beorn leaned us a ponys to get to mirkwood. J called for me, so I walked Dover to him "Caroline, are you sure you want to syay whit that dwarf" he asksd "yes in sure, but that dissent mean that j don't love you big bro" I said "ok, promise me that you willcone visit me. J said "I promise and promise me that I won't have to use thag deel voice I have again which I just discovered out that I have" I said "I promise" he said "good now- look over there, more orcs and wargs" I said he looked ober whrre I was pointing and i took my chance, I tackled him to the ground. "Omph, should have seen that coming he said "yep" I smirked but it was too soon for that smirk, he tackle me and I was pinned down to the ground. "Son of a hobbit" I said "hahahahah" je aaid

Hey guys, hope you like this chapter, news for you is
That I a. Writing a new book called the exterminatior daughter. It's about a t.v. show, witha. Man named Billy the exterminatior, I had a crush on him every since I saw his show, I love him.

Thats it for my news see yah and follow me if you havent

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