years later

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Thats carolins dog se gets later in the chapter Should let you know that a little of this is still when she was found.

I walked around, I knew where every thing is because skin changers have a good memorie. I gotten to know fili and kili very well. I had to talk to thorin, well I guess now is dad about something. He was in his office so I knocked on his door and entered. "Hello Caroline you needed to talk to me" he said "yah it's about me being a skin changer, you see I have a lot of modes of my skin changer like a baby wolf a kid wolf a teenager wolf and a grown wolf. The teenager,kid and baby wolf is fine its just that i have no control over my grown wolf finger." I said " i see so can we do anything to get you controlled" he asked "yes actually, you see I have to have my masters blood to be tamed, it is hold by trust, my parents broke it because of what happened" I said "so we have to transfer blood" he asked "for me to be tamed, yes. All it needs is just one inch of blood, it won't do nothing harmful or anything" I said "well lets do it" he said smiling. So we transfers blood and now I will listen to thorin and thorin only. I want to my room and just laid on my bed thinking my life is going to get better.

Years later
It been year's since I'm came to the blue Mountains and it been great, I met new friends. Tomorrow me and my dad will be going to bree to just go there for the entertainment. Filiand Kili grew up to be fine young man, well pranksters that's for sure. But I love them. Today it's my birthday, yah it's like 5:00 p.m. so today I'll be hanging out with my father. I sat on my bed when thorin came in and hugged me saying "happy birthday Caroline, I love you" he said "I love you too." I said smiling "I got something for you" he said "what" I said excited and transforming to my baby wolf form.
"Settle down pup" he said laughing handing me a present. In Side was a
Sword, a sword with my name carved in it. It was red and black. I smiled and set it down and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, "thank you" I said smiling "your welcome my little flower" he said.
I fell asleep again in his warm arms.
He put me under the covers and kissed my head.Yah I made a mistake, it's not five o clock it's midnight. couldn't see the clock and plus I have no Windows. As soon I hit the bed, a nightmare appeared.
I saw my father getting killed and fili and kili. I saw a old man fighting against orcs and goblins. I saw a hobbit getting knocked out and then there's me, in a corner when a big man is coming I try to back up but there was no where I could go. He got to me and grabbed my neck and picked me up. I couldn't breath I tried to kick him but he held my legs and then crunch, he snapped my body in half, Then I woke up breathing heavily. I ran to my dad's room and knocked on the door. He opened it and said "what's wrong" I looked at him "I had a nightmare, worse then the others" I said. He took my hands and "what happened" he asked I told him what happened, and he hugged me tightly. "It will be alright, no one Is going to hurt you. Not on my watch" he said "how bout you sleep in my room tonight" he said I nodded he put me under the covers and he slid in and puts an arm around me. I turned and hugged him then I fell asleep.

The next morning he woke me up and we want to eat breakfast. He told me about erebor, that's where he is from. He said that he would have been a king and fili and kili would have been Princes and now that I'm apart of the family, I'll be a princess.
I got gifts from fili and kili, from kili he knows how much I love to draw so he got me a notebook with pencil. From fili he knows how much I love homemade gifts so he made me a cool walking stick. I hugged them both. I got to meet dis, which was the best present ever She's my aunt.
She also got me a gift though too which was a book on how to survive thorin. Which she made herself, thorin didn't like it very much. Dwalin, who is mean looking but is actually quite nice, if you don't get him mad. He helped me train with my new sword. Balin who was an elder was kind enough to let me help in the library. I love helping out people so it wasn't a crappie gift it was an awesome one. I found a book on skin changers and balin let me keep it. Bofur was extremely funny, he gave me a joke telling book and a little dog that was soo cute. I named it erebor which thorin loved. And bombar gave me a cooking book. I love to help him cook so again it was an awesome gift. Then my best friend amethyst gards me a necklace that i have to keep on unless I'm sleeping. It has a pink jewel in the middle. It's a good luck charm. I want to my room and set all my stuff on my desk and started to put stuff away. When I was all done I latterly fell asleep on the ground. I guess thorin puted me in bed because when I woke up I was in my bed. Today we are going to bree.

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