running into someone fimeler

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(For a couple of sentences I'm talking about thorin and Caroline. T=thorin
C=caroline c&t= both at the same time
G-the lady of the light

C-all I could see was black, nothing else. What happened to thorin, did HE get killed or what, I will never know u ntill I wake.
T-all I could see black, nothing but blackness. What happened to Caroline,did she died, I would never know until I wake, I hope it's soon.
C&T- suddenly I saw a light, not sunlight. There was a shadow, of an elf. T-I don't care if I hate elvs, I just need help.
C&T-shirt I opened my eyes, I saw the elv, she had a Wight dress, blond hair and a kind smile.
C- it's you again.
G-yes it's me, and this time your fAther is with you.
C&T- I turned and saw her/him. I smiled and ran up to him/her and gave a big hug.
C-i smiled seeing my dad, I thought he would not make it.
T-i smiled seeing Caroline, she was hurting so bad i thought she would not make it.
G- now your both goinh to live, I just need to fix up Caroline, your alright Thorin, I don't know why your here.
T-what's wrong with Caroline
G-she had broke something in her stomach and that many of her ribs are broken.
T-i waited untill she came back. It seemed like hours, but when she came back, she looked like her normal self, well except the skin changer part.
G- now you may go back to your friends.
C&T-suddenly I felt like I was falling asleep and that exactly what happened. Caroline pov
"Are they going to be ok" I jeard Bilbo say. "Look thorin is waking up" gloin said. I heard Thor in say thanks to maire and Bilbo. Then I was picked up and felt hands on my back. It was my dad, he was whispering in my ear. He was saying it was foing to be alright. He kissed my forehead "dada" I said you embarrassed "don't for that in front of people, wait don't do that at all" I said everyone chuckled and fili and kili tackled me in A hug. "I swear if I get taclked by one more person, they get it." I aid, but suddenly Bilbo joined in. "Ugh, Bilbo" I said everyone got up and we saw something that my dad dreamed of seeing for a very long time. We where looking at erabor, the lonely mountain. "Is that what I think it is" Bilbo said "the lonely mountain, erebor" Gandalf said "our home" thorin said "I think the worst is behind us." Bilbo said and oh man was he wrong.

We started to climb down the rock, it was long but we finnly got down. As soon as we got down we heard wargs and orcs. We started to run as fast as we can go, which is sad for bomber.
I was getting tired so I hot out my wings and picked up Marie who was slowing down. We stopped in between a mountain range. We sent Bilbo to go investigat, we waited a while,  but he came back. He was trying ti get the other attention "HEY EVERYONE SHUT YPUR YEP" I  yelled everyone quoted down, and bilbo told us that a Bear, but it's bigger then a bear. We then heard jeard a huge roar, not a warg but the bear. Gandalf was saying we could stay at a house, we all agreedwand started to run.

We where in the open when I saw bomber run faster then all of us, I smiled seeing him try. But that smile was wiped away from me when the beast nursed through the woods. We ran faster and faster. About ten minutes later we where ay the house.
It seemed fimeler but I couldn't put my finger to it. Thorin andbgandalf went to talk.

Thorin pov
Gandalf told me to come woth him, so I followed him to a different room. "Why couldn't Caroline come" I asked "cause it's about Caroline" he said "what about her" I asked "this is going to be hard for her to hear this, so I don't want you telling her, she has to find out on her own" he said "ok" I said "toy know she has a brother right" j asked "yah" I said "well this is his house" he said. I looked at him "but, there parents ditched them" I said "yes, but I knew her parents, they where killed in an orc attack. The brother ran home and never looked for his sister which is caroline" he said "oh my god, he would do that" i said "yes, but he didn't want to, he saw her fall and not het he thought she died, so this is gonna be a happy little reunion" he said "yes it is" I said. We took out leave and it was hard not telling Caroline.

Caroline pov
I was getting my bed roll ready wjen my dad came out. "Hey dada" I said "hi" he said "can I walk outside" I asked "uhh let me ask Gandalf" he said "ok" I said he walked out and came back "yes you can" he said I smiled ran out. I grew my wings and flew above the trees. I saw the beast and he saw me. He came running at me Nd before I could scream he was on top of me. "Please please please let me go" I begged he growled. I then realized whi it was brother!!! I looked at him "beorn it's me caroline" I said. He looked at me and then backed off. He turned back into his Human form. "If you are Caroline, then how can you fly, Caroline i a skin changer not a fairy" he said "beorn,  to prove it I'll tell you why j can fly leter after his part. I was ditched out of nowhere by out parents, and the reason I can fly is that i drank a potion that turns me into a fairy" I said "it is you" he said "yes" I said looking in his eyes. He came up and hugged me. I hugged back but "beorn, lossen up, I have wings now Nd I am not as tuff  As I was" I said "sorry" he said letting go. "Now your gonna hate me" I said "why" he asked "ok promise me that you won't run into your house and kilk the guy" I I "I promise unless I don't like him" he said "good enough, after I was ditched I was picked up by this dwarf named thorin oakenshield, he took care of me and lived me like a father should, and that I have a boyfriend" I sajd "what" he said getting g angry "shush, you promised" i said he calmed down. "Now can you wait untilk al of us js asleep" I said "I guess" he said "thanks" I said hugging him. "I missed you" I said "I missed you too" he said

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