Monster Questions

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Note: Hopefully back for a bit. sorry i keep disappearing, my motivation comes and goes. I think i know what i'll make net chapter about, but it isn't written yet. not even sure i'll be able to write for tomorrow in the first place. pray for me!!

Tord managed to get a legitimately good night of sleep for once, which made him a little happy. Normally, he would wake up in the middle of the night, or fall asleep too late, or have nightmares. That night was different, though, and he had no idea why. That is, until he woke up to the feeling of someone's arms around him. That was certainly an odd thing to wake up to.

Tord stirs quietly, his hand reaching up to rub his face. He was still quite drowsy, so he hadn't noticed Edd with him immediately. Tord sits up a little, noticing a pair of arms wrapped around his chest. He freezes, trying to figure out if this is a threat or not. He eventually decides it's not, calming down. Then, Tord freaks out again once he realizes that it's Edd who is hugging him.

 "EDD-!!" Tord hisses quietly, pulling his arms off of him. He's not careful to keep Edd asleep, since he was freaked out and wanted Edd out of his bed. Edd mumbles something sleepily, pulling Tord's blanket over his head. Tord groans in frustration, his hands clenching as he jumps off the bed. 

Tord yanks the blanket off of Edd, waking him up fully. Edd sits up, confused and upset that he doesn't have the blanket anymore. "Hey, what's the big ide- Oh." Tord folds his arms angrily. Edd stretches, unbothered by Tord's attitude. "Heyy, Tord. Sleep well?"

"Don't 'sleep well' me! You slept in my bed!!"

"Relaaax, Tord, It was just one night. I didn't have time to get back to my own bed, anyways."

"That isn't an excuse, Edd! This is my bedroom!!"

"To be fair, you fell asleep in my arms like a baby."

Tord's face turns red and he turns away from Edd. "..We are never speaking of this. Got it?"

"Fine fine fine, my lips are sealed." Edd smiles at Tord innocently. 

Tord rolls his eyes, pointing to the door to make Edd leave. Hopping off the bed, Edd does what he's told, knowing he could get in more trouble if he doesn't. Edd was extremely lucky that is was super early, or Tord would have made him stay in his room until night when people would be sleep. Tord has no idea what he would do if someone saw Edd come out of his bedroom after sleeping in there.

Tord spends his morning doing what he normally does, such as exercising, taking a shower, getting an early breakfast, etc. He tries to do all of this for a little longer, today, hoping it will distract himself from the awkward morning. He still has no clue why Edd was acting so strange when they woke up. Maybe it was because he was injured. That's what Tord would go with for now.

After all of this, Tord heads out of his room and office around lunch. By now, Tom would have already had his doctor's analysis and would be in his room again. Now is the perfect time to check on him and possibly get him looked at by a few of the scientists. Other than that, Tord might have to actually try and make Tom hate him less. He was not looking forward to that.

He heads to the dorm rooms to check on Tom, since he didn't feel like walking all the way over to the medical wing and the laboratories this early in the morning. Tord knocks on Tom's door before letting himself in. He doesn't think much of it, not caring terribly about what Tom thinks of this.

Tom is found in the room laying on his bed looking quite mopey. He doesn't glance at Tord , too annoyed at him to acknowledge his existence. Tord hums, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "Good morning, Tom." Tom grumbles something at Tord in annoyance.

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