Tom the Monster

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Note: sorry this chapter released late! I had it scheduled, but Wattpad didn't release it for some reason! Here it is now, and I'm super sorry.

Tord wakes up early the next morning. Immediately he gets dressed for the day, quite excited to find Tom and study him further. He does a few warm up exercises to get his blood pumping, getting his secretary to have someone bring him breakfast. The morning goes incredibly slow for him, time seeming to drag by in anticipation. He heads out of his room, all cleaned up and presentable for the day. Walking around, he looks for Paul and Patryck first. They both should be eating with everyone in the cafeteria at the moment, so he heads there. 

Tord walks into the cafeteria, welcomed by the smell of hash browns and sausage. He stops in the entrance, scanning the room quickly for the two of them. Paul and Patryck were sitting together at their own table. From where Tord was standing, it looked like Patryck was picking on Paul again. As he got closer, Paul was clearly flustered. He scoffs, amused.

"Pat, Paul, quit being gay and give me a status update for this morning."

Both of them get slightly startled by Tord suddenly appearing next to them. Patryck shakes his head quickly, turning to face Tord. "Er- yes sir. Uhm, let's see. This morning, Paul got a group of 6 soldiers from division 3 to be on standby for later. Is that enough people? or do you think we need more."

"Hm. No, that should be enough. Continue,"

"Alright, I went through the armoury records and found we ordered some tranquilizer guns and ammo. I think they were meant to be used if we ever had a biohazard like this one, so hopefully what we have will be enough to take out Tom if it comes to that. Edd never did specify how large he would get.."

"And where are Matt and Edd?"

"Edd and Matt are over there." Paul points across the room. They were both talking to each other, seeming to have a good time. They were getting along well with the other soldiers, which pleased Tord significantly. 

"Thank you. Be ready in an hour, we'll be leaving then."

They both nod, going back to eating and talking. Tord walks over to the table that Matt and Edd were sitting at. There were a few other people there chatting with them, but they fall silent when Tord approaches. Tord taps on Edd's shoulder, nabbing his attention. 

"Hm? Oh, good morning, Sir."

Edd smiles at Tord, and Tord nods back at him. "Good morning soldier." The other people looked perplexed at Edd's friendliness towards their leader. "Enjoying breakfast?"


"Good. Alright, look, I need you to be ready in an hour so that we can leave. Meet up with Paul and Patryck before then, and I'll come find you all."

"Yes sir!" Edd, again, smiles at Tord. Tord lets out a small laugh through his nose and smiles back, walking off to check on those sedatives Patryck mentioned earlier. He walks out of the cafeteria, down the halls, and over to the armoury. A few people greet him, and he ignores most of them, his mind preoccupied with something else more important. 

The armoury had a few half open crates that nobody had checked in a few months, so Tord walks over to those first. One of the crates had extra riffles, ammo, grenades, etc. He does find what he was looking for, opening a crate to find large dart guns that people would use in places like zoos or wild life reserves. Next to it was a crate filled with ammo for these guns, the darts strong enough to knock out something like an gorilla. Tord hopes this would be enough to get Tom back here where he belongs.

Paul and Patryck walk down the halls together, heading to division 3 to give a few orders to those soldiers. Paul seemed to be lost in thought, while Patryck was trying to get his attention. "Paul. Paul. Paul, are you okay?"

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