What a day

16 1 0

Note; holy shit this chapter is way longer than i meant it to be. Too bad, I don't feel like splitting it into two chapters. Also, another thing, I have writers' block atm, so if chapters don't come as quickly, that's why.

Content Warning: PTSD

Tord wakes up to the sound of a heart monitor. He couldn't tell if it was for him or not. He didn't want to open his eyes, either. Everything was a blur. At least the last few minutes of him being conscious were. Something about fighting Tom and getting hit with a dart. 

Right, the dart. I'm going to kill Patryck when I see him again.

Tord also remembers a few other things, such as Paul and Patryck panicking about Tord getting hit and falling. He also remembers Tom changing back to human for some reason. What was that about again? Oh yes, it was because he hit-


Tord sits up quickly, blood rushing to his head. He opens his eye, dizzy. The lights of the hospital wing were very bright, making him recoil and hiss. He quickly shakes his head, letting his eyes adjust. Tord looks around, hoping him and Edd were put in the same room. 

Edd was asleep in a hospital bed across the room from Tord. He was knocked out cold, his shirt and hoodie removed so his injury was easier to access. He was the one hooked up to the heart monitor and an IV. He looked like he also had a blood transfusion while Tord was knocked out. Edd's arm looked better than it did during the fight, since it was stitched shut and dressed.

Tord sighs in relief, glad that he is okay. Tord would have killed Tom if he had done anything worse to Edd. Tord lays back down in the hospital bed, contemplating whether or not he should leave and find Patryck. He decides not to, staying put so he can make sure Edd is okay when he wakes up.

Tord lays back down in the hospital bed, realizing he had a splitting headache that he couldn't do very much about. Tord groans and hides under the cover that was provided to him, hoping this will keep it down for the time being. He just wishes he knew what time it was so he could tell how long he was out. It must have been long enough for Patryck and Paul to calm down enough to take care of the army in his absence. 

Tord lays there, nearly falling asleep in the bed. He stops himself from doing that in case Edd wakes up or if Paul and Patryck come back. Speaking of, Tord suddenly hears stirring coming from the other side of the room. Tord sits up, pushing the blanket off of his head. Edd groans, shifting slowly on the bed.

Tord sees him and immediately gets excited to see Edd again. Tord hops out of the bed he was in, standing up quickly. His vision gets blurry as he tries to walk towards Edd from standing up to quickly. Tord ignores it, rushing to his side and crouching beside him to make sure he's okay.

Edd groans again, finally opening his eyes to the hospital wing. Squinting his eyes at the bright light, he feels Tord's hands holding his own. He turns his head to see him, smiling softly. "Tooord, you're okayy.."

Tord smiles and laughs at Edd, allowing Edd to call him that just this once since they were alone, and he was still very loopy. "Yes, Edd, I'm alright. Are you?"

Edd hums, trying to sit up a bit better. "Ouch- nope- definitely not okay.." He sighs in defeat, turning his head to look at Tord. "Oh, Edd, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I shouldn't have let Tom do that."

"Nono, sir it's okay.. I'm alive, aren't I?"

Tord nods, rubbing his robotic thumb against Edd's palm. He was glad he made his arm able to feel things with electricity, since that meant he could still feel Edd's hand in his own. Edd laughs softly, dislodging Tord from his train of thought. "What? What's so funny?"

Aftermath (𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚍𝚍 𝚡 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now