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Edd's pov

Edd sits on his bright red sofa with a can of cola in his hand. Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell VIII was playing on his TV, but he wasn't paying much attention to it. He had mostly been thinking about Tord, and the past few days.

It was still all so strange to him; Tord showed up and acted as their friend like normal, then revealed he was some evil psycho with plans to rule the world. He almost killed Tom, for god's sake.

Edd didn't want to believe it, though. There's no way Tord was evil. After everything they went through, no less! There had to be a mistake. He just hopes Tord is still alive.

Unfortunately, the news wasn't helping. Apparently, they didn't find any bodies at the scene. If Tord was alive, he was out there. But of course the government wants the public to believe the terrorist is dead.

Edd sighs and turns off the telly. Tom says he should be glad they got so lucky. Tord could have killed them. He still feels bad about John, they went to his funeral yesterday. It wasn't anything fancy, Eduardo couldn't afford it.

Breaking Edd's train of thought, he hears a knock at his door. It was probably Matt coming over after losing another mirror in his apartment again.


Edd chugs the rest of his cola and puts the empty can in the nearby bin. Walking over to the door, he starts to think it wasn't Matt. Matt would have already started banging on the door and yelling to get Edd's attention, whether that be a good or bad thing. Edd sticks his eye up to the peep hole and gasps in shock.

It couldn't be.

Edd thinks about whether or not to open the door. After a few moments, he puts his hand on the door nob. They already heard he was home, so it's not like he has much choice now.

Edd unlocks the door and opens it to a battered looking Tord, the right side of his face bandaged, and his hand- wait. Was his hand red? No, Edd must be seeing things.

"Er- hello Edd.."

"You're.  You're alive. Everyone said you had died, I didn't.. I'm glad I didn't believe that! Tord you're alive!"

"Wait- you're not upset at me?"

Edd lets out a laugh and says, "Oh no, I'm furious! But I'm also too happy to see you survived!"

"Uh.. alright? Look, I'm sorry this is such short notice. especially after.. everything. But I was hoping I could speak with you."

"Well that depends. Is this going to be like last time and you try to blow me up?"

"No! No no i-im not doing that again. Please Edd, this is really important; I don't have anywhere else to go."

Edd thinks about this for a second. "Hmm... Okay!"

Edd opens the door and helps Tord in the room and onto the sofa. They both sit down and crack open a few colas to chat. They sit there awkwardly for a few seconds as they both think of what to say.

Eventually Edd speaks up and says, "So.. you survived. How have things been since then?"

Tord lets out a sigh. "Not very good.. I had to get my arm amputated, as you can see."

"Yeah I was wondering what that was about. It's red?"

"Well, yes. It's a robot arm."

Edd nearly chokes on his cola as he hears this. "A robot arm?? You can do that?! That's so cool!!"

Tord laughs a little at Edd and nods. "I made it a while ago while I was messing around. Turned out I would actually need it.."

Edd nods his head and stays quiet. After a minute, he asks this. "So.. why come back? After everything. You destroyed our house and killed John.. I never thought I'd see you again. I'm not sure how I feel about seeing you, now."

Tord hums to himself as if thinking how to respond. Edd takes another sip of his cola as he waits for an answer.

"Alright. I'm sick right now and can't return to my work. I don't have a place to stay until then, and you were the only people I could think of. I really need this though, so my face can heal and so I can get better from my fever. I won't be terribly long; a few weeks at most. I promise I'll be out of your hair by month's end."

Edd thinks about this. He didn't care very much about Tord staying with him, but he wasn't sure how Tom would take it. Knowing him, there's a chance he'll turn.. violent.

"Well, I'm okay with it, the only problem is Tom.."

Tord nods his head in agreement.

"But maybe if I talk to him, I can convince him it's okay! Well- it is okay, right?"

"Mostly, I think.."

Edd still thinks he's hiding something, but decides to go along with it for now.

"Alright! I can talk with him now, actually!"

Tord agrees, and with that, Edd leaves to go speak with Tom.

Aftermath (𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚍𝚍 𝚡 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now