The Crash

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Tord's perspective

Smoke and fire clouded my vision. Alarms blared in my ears as lights flashed around me. What had happened? I looked to my left and saw the long harpoon pierced through metal leaving a jagged hole. I cursed under my breath as I watched the world start spinning around me.

Frantically searching for a way out of this as the wind screamed in my ears, my robot hit the ground too soon. I barely remember it, the fuzzy memories seem so distant yet so clear. As the robot crumbled, I remember hitting my head hard as the right half of my body ached and stung, almost as if it were screaming right there with me.

I lost consciousness after that. though, waking up, I climbed out of the rubble and looked around with what little vision I had. smoke. lots of it. fire blazed as my creation lay tainted around me. my beautiful creation, now in ruin.

hearing a car pull up behind me, I looked back to see who it was. luckily, it was just Paul and Patryck. they looked around and at me with shocked and panicked expressions. I turned my head to see some usable scrap. But I truly didn't care, so I turned my head back to the scene below.

I clenched my fist for a moment before a wave of dizziness washed over me. looking over at his house, I could see all three of them. A twinge of guilt prodded at my thoughts as I watched them talk among each other. Even looking over at their neighbors, I could see what I had done. Yes I had killed before, and I hadn't exactly known the neighbors, but it felt worse this time.

I hear Paul walk up beside me and start bandaging my arm in silence. neither of them had said a word to me, but I saw that as a good thing. I quietly told Patryck to salvage whatever he could, my voice hoars and trembling.

'how pathetic' I thought to myself. I couldn't even take back my giant robot. I swear I felt a tear roll down my burned cheek, but nobody mentions that.

Paul and Patryck eventually let me be for a little while, packing up the car and talking amongst themselves. I stayed for a little while, watching police cars and fire trucks drive up to inspect the scene. feeling my hand clench again, I sat down in a pool of blood.

Fean, it was worse than I thought. After a few more minutes I finally decided to leave, Patryck walking me back to the car and helping me into the seat. I set down the damaged robotic arm in the seat next to Patryck's, hoping to myself we would be able to use it later. Paul, in the driver's seat, asked me where to go. I mumbled something, surprising myself with how unable to speak I was. Patryck just told him to find a hotel for a night or two.

the last thing I remember before passing out again was the sound of the car engine rumbling and the feeling of laying on Patryck's shoulder.

Aftermath (𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚍𝚍 𝚡 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now