Tom and Tord actually meet face to face

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At around 16:00, Matt pipes up as he's looking at himself in a hand mirror. 
"Hey, Toby! Have you met Tom?"
Tord clenches his fist at hearing his name, but he nods silently. 
"Well, i was thinking we could all hang out!"

Tord nearly chokes on a can of cola, quickly putting it down and turning to Matt. "Don't. we are not bringing him in here."

"well, i didn't think it was your apartment, sooo, I'll go get him!"
Tord tries to grab him to stop him, but falls back into the couch as Matt runs off. Tord groans in annoyance, hating the idea of seeing Tom after everything. Coming to Matt's place was a bad idea, Tord thought to himself. He either listens to anything like an idiot, or doesn't listen at all.

Tord sighs as he sinks back into the sofa to wait for Tom and Matt to get back, not willing to go find Matt's room and hide there. He hated this. Tom was the last person he wanted to see. Unfortunately, that doesn't matter now, as Tord hears the door to the apartment open.

"Toby! I'm home!"

Tord sighs and sinks further into the sofa, using a nearby throw pillow to try and hide himself as Matt and Tom walk in. "Matt I seriously dont-"

Tom cuts himself off with a dramatic gasp, seeing Tord sitting there on the plush sofa.
"Matt!! You didn't tell me this asshole was here, let alone alive!"

"Who? Ohh, him! Yes! He's here because he got hurt or something, and Edd went to the store."

Tom scoffs and folds his arms, his cold black eyes avoiding Tord at all costs. "Of course it was Edd. He, of all people, would be the one to bring in the bastard who blew up our house."

Tord rolls his eyes at Toms comment, but remains silent. "Well I'm not staying here unless the commie is out!"

Tord finally decides to speak up and hold his ground. "Well, this commie bastard can't exactly leave until Edd comes back in an hour, so maybe you should leave instead if I'm such a problem."

Tord glares at Tom as he speaks. He doesn't exactly know why he was arguing back. It was very pitiful, if you asked him. Maybe it's because he was fed up with the past few days. They were quite terrible.

"Last I checked, this wasn't your apartment. But fine, I don't want to be here with you morons anyways!"

Tom huffs once more before turning hightail and leaving, slamming Matt's door behind him. Tord rolls his eyes into his head with a sigh, not willing to put up with this.

"Er- I guess Tom didn't want to see you?"

Tord doesn't reply, annoyed by Matt's stupidity and ignorance. How the hell is he supposed to get him be apart of his army like this? It doesn't matter, he'll make it work. All he had to do was hide his time, and make sure he doesn't mess up. Paul and Pat can handle things for now.

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