Touring with Tord

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Note: Who is the one person reading this 😭

Tord walks down the halls of his base to go pick up the rookies from the training wing. People turn their heads occasionally towards Tord with interest as he walks. He always liked how important this made him feel. He had a feeling they were all wondering about what he was doing while he was gone, how bad his injuries were, etc. He always left them guessing, after all.

Tord makes his way throughout the building, making it to a small target practice area outside and around the back of the building. A small group of people were chattering together. There were maybe around 20 at the moment, which was an okay number this month. Most of them would have already been training for a week or two, but Matt and Edd would have just started that morning.

Paul was there with everyone, waiting for Tord to arrive, since he know he would head over soon. Once he sees Tord walking to him, he gets everyone's attention. "Alright soldiers, listen up!"

The talking stops as they all turn to look at Paul. Tord stands next to him, both of his arms behind his back as he lets Paul talk to the rookies. He is in charge of them, after all. Paul starts speaking loudly and with purpose, as if he was reading off of a script that he memorized years ago.

"Today, you will all have a tour of the Red Army Base lead by your leader, Red Leader. I expect each and every one of you to be on your absolute best behavior! Anything but will not be tolerated and will result in you being on cafeteria duty for the remainder of this month. Everyone will remain silent unless told otherwise and/or spoken to. Now, am I clear, privates?"

All of them respond with "Yes, sir!" and turn to look with Tord with Paul. Tord takes a step forward and smiles at all of them. "Good afternoon, soldiers. I'm glad that I'm able to give you this tour personally today. Now, if all of you would follow me in two single file lines, I would like to get this started."

Tord turns around and waits for everyone to get into lines, then starts walking back inside. He takes them down the hallways, walking quickly and speaking as he strides. "The Red Army has been using this building as a base for as long as I founded it. I suggest that it's best that you memorize the layout so you know how to get anywhere quickly and with purpose."

Paul catches up to Tord and walks behind him as they walk to the cafeteria. Tord stops walking, and someone nearly bumps into them. They both turn around to speak again. "This is the cafeteria, but I'm sure you all knew that. We have breakfast here every morning at 6:15 to 6:45. that should give you all plenty of time in the morning to eat and get yourselves ready for the day. Lunch takes place at 14:00 to 14:30, and supper is at 18:00 to 18:30. If you miss a meal, that's your own fault. Don't expect these times to change. now, let's continue."

Tord continues walking down the hall, hearing quiet murmuring behind him. He doesn't say anything about it, for now. They walk down the halls until they get to the dorm rooms. "These are your sleeping quarters. Division one sleeps furthest down the hall, the rooms making their way down to you rookies respectively. Curfew for all of you is 21:00. You must be in your bed by that time unless given special permission from me or Paul."

Tord turns to keep walking when he hears someone groan quietly about curfew. Tord snaps his head around and glares at everyone, which causes all sound to dissipate as if they were in a vacuum. Paul raises an eyebrow, watching Tord turn around. "Alright, which one of you maggots doesn't like the way I run my schedule."

Tord narrows his eyes at them all. Quickly, most of them move to the side to reveal Matt in the middle. Tord rolls his eyes. "Matt.. Of course. Well, I didn't think you would disobey me on your first day, but here we are. That's cafeteria duty for the rest of the month."

Aftermath (𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚍𝚍 𝚡 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now