Chapter 39 - The End of Corruption

Beginne am Anfang

Tsurugi moved swiftly, conjuring additional swords with a snap of her fingers, each poised to strike under her control.

Yet, Jizo-Mitama proved to be a formidable adversary, deflecting and parrying each thrust with precision.

Undeterred, Tsurugi balanced herself on the sharp edge of his katana, "A parasite such as yourself feeding on the souls of the innocent, Disgusting..." She taunted before smiling, "But don't worry we won't allow you to live anymore as we will eradicate you."

Jizo-Mitama growled in response, launching an attack on Tsurugi. Before his strike landed, I intervened, slashing at him with rapid speed.

"Aren't you forgetting something!?" I called out, swiftly striking Jizo-Mitama's front.

But Jizo-Mitama unexpectedly generated another arm from his back and delivered a powerful punch, knocking me back.


"Hey, kid! You're letting your guard down too much!" Tsurugi warned, turning to me briefly before refocusing her attention on Jizo-Mitama.

Gritting my teeth, I rose to my feet and dashed forward again, determined not to falter. "You don't have to say that!"

"Foolish," Jizo-Mitama sneered, slashing the ground where I stood. Narrowly avoided the attack by sidestepping before leaping high into the air. "Tsurugi!"

"Haahhh... Just this once..." Tsurugi said, her voice calm yet commanding. With a whispered incantation, her hands glow, "I am the sword, born of earth and flame, From the depths below, I rise to claim. With power untold, my edge keen and true, In the dance of battle, I shall see it through."

Suddenly, swords erupted from the ground, thrusting toward Jizo-Mitama with relentless force. "Kid! Finish this!"

"I'm on it!"

After all, this is my only chance.

I launched myself downward toward Jizo-Mitama. My purple katana glowed with an intense light as I channeled all my honkai energy into it.

"Eradicate," I muttered, my voice a determined whisper.

In an instant, the katana extended, its blade lengthening as if empowered by my resolve.

With a swift and decisive motion, I brought the blade down upon Jizo-Mitama, slicing through him with incredible force.

The air crackled with energy as the blade cleaved through him, and in a flash of light, Jizo-Mitama was split in half, his form dissipating into nothingness.

With a deep exhale, I lowered myself to the ground, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in my limbs.

My muscles trembled with the strain of battle as I leaned heavily on my katana, its blade buried in the ground.

"Hahhh..." I breathed out heavily, my chest rising and falling with each labored breath.

"Are you alright, kid?"

I turned to see Tsurugi standing beside me.

"Yeah," I replied, forcing a weary smile. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

"You did well out there. But don't push yourself too hard."

I chuckled weakly. "I'll keep that in mind."

And then silence enveloped us, a moment of calm after the storm.

"Say... Am I really not dead?" I finally broke the silence, my voice echoing softly in the garden.

"You're not," Tsurugi replied, her tone gentle yet firm.


Tsurugi sighed, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "This is why you should listen to your class."


Ignoring my confusion, Tsurugi continued, "Nothing... I'll be sending you back to your own consciousness."


"Yes? What do you want?" she asked, turning her attention back to me.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Can you help me get stronger again?"

Tsurugi studied me for a moment, her gaze piercing yet thoughtful. Then, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "You're starting to look like your brother now," she remarked, walking closer to me. With a flick of her finger, she gently tapped my forehead.

Just after she flicked me, a wave of exhaustion washed over me, my limbs heavy as I sank to the ground. "Without warning..."

Is this one of her powers too?

"Fufu~ I'll be seeing you again... in your dreams," Tsurugi chuckled softly before turning away, her figure fading into the distance.

With Tsurugi's departure, I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to engulf me as sleep claimed my weary body.

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