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Rayane had just left when the landline phone rang in the apartment. I let out a sigh, annoyed at having to delay the moment when I could finally collapse onto my bed. To make matters worse, my head was throbbing. A side effect of the teleportation spell—reserved for non-wizards, of course.

Without much willpower, I picked up the receiver and brought it closer to my right ear. "Y/n?" My heart skipped a beat. Please, not now. "Hello? Y/n, are you there?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm here. What's going on?"

A brief silence followed my question, before the sound of rustling could be heard.

"It's your mother."

"I know, I recognize the sound of your voice."

She deliberately ignored my remark. "We've been trying to reach you for a week. Where is your brother? He left without saying anything, we just know he was going to your place."

No trace of worry betrayed her firm and assured voice, but I didn't miss the underlying threat. I didn't doubt she was genuinely concerned for my brother, but the idea of getting an excuse to lash out at me seemed to animate her much more.

"He'll be back soon. He just left my place."

"Where were you?"

I decided to lie, because why not? "At home."

"For a week?"

"Mmh." I nodded, as if she could see me. "A week."

"I tried to call you, how come nobody answered?"

I sighed. "Because we wanted to be left alone."

"Maybe you did. Only an ungrateful brat would deign to ignore calls from her own mother, but your brother?" She let out a small, mocking and haughty laugh. "Your brother would never do that. He's too well-mannered—"

"I have to go, bye."

Without waiting, I hung up. I had no business wasting my precious time with such unpleasant conversations. Finally, I could get some rest and think later. At least, that's what I thought until I was lying in my bed, wonderfully cocooned in my warm comforter. I felt good, relaxed, but... impossible to close my eyes. 

With each attempt, the scene of the kiss (impromptu and almost indecent) threatened to replay in my head. What a psycho and an idiot I was! Of all the existing ways to say goodbye to someone, I stupidly chose to kiss the boy and then flee behind a living alarm. What the heck was wrong with me?

Regardless of what Jungkook thought of me before, I could be certain that he now saw me as crazy. I wouldn't even know how to explain my actions to him. In my haste, I had thrown myself at him like an animal guided only by instinct. I didn't know how to express what I was feeling through words. I remembered that after his return to Nosha, I was devastated. I missed him, and the idea of ​​reliving that made me panic. I could have told him, but instead, I freaking kissed him.

✩⍣✯ ❁ ✰

"Can't believe you went to her place," I shook my head, glancing at the computer screen. "There really was no need to worry."

Jimin shot me a look filled with disdain, which I chose to ignore. "You disappear without a word for a week, and you think no one's going to worry? Thankfully, your cop friend was there. Without him, we wouldn't have had peace of mind."

My return to work was more eventful than expected. To my surprise, it was Supervisor Min who greeted me with an immediate summons. Apparently, I was to be penalized for not showing up for several days without notifying anyone. Despite the reprimanding nature of our discussion, I was touched to see that my superior had actually been concerned for me. However, I wasn't in a position to tease him about it. Without trying too hard to defend myself, I got to work, prepared to hear remarks and nosy questions coming from all sides.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I sighed, spinning the office chair I was sitting on to face my friend-colleague. "My brother and I, we just took off on a whim. We needed a change of scenery..."

This time, the severity in the young man's features softened, giving way to his usual expression; that of a curious and cheeky child. I understood that he was ready to listen, which made me feel guilty. Sure, not everything was perfect in my life, but I was still lying to him about the reason for my absence. I wasn't suffering to the point of needing a break and rejuvenating away from here, with only my little brother for company.

A twirl of emotions took upon me.

On one hand, I was dying to share with my friend all the wonders I had seen in the past few days. I had explored a fantastic world, met extraordinary creatures, and lived adventures that I never would have believed possible. Every fiber of my being screamed to tell every detail, every magical moment. A whirlwind of conflicting emotions swept through me.

But on the other hand, my loyalty to Jungkook weighed heavily on my heart. I knew that revealing the truth to my friend would jeopardize the secret of Fanasia, as well as Jungkook's and everyone else's safety living there; my loyalty to him outweighed everything else.

I bit my lip, struggling against the urge to speak. I knew that keeping silent was the right thing to do, but it didn't make the task any easier. Every word I held back felt like a weight on my soul.

"I'm better now, don't worry. And I promise, I won't disappear like that again."

Jimin had no choice but to accept my answer. Without a word, he nodded, forcing a slight smile before leaving the room, leaving me alone with my guilt and futile torments.

✩⍣✯ ❁ ✰

For some reason unbeknownst to me, two days later, I found myself sitting in my grandmother's dining room with my brother and our parents. They were furious with me for monopolizing my brother for a few days, but I wasn't the only one to incur their wrath. Aachi, who was aware of our little extraterrestrial escapade, should have informed them that Rayane was okay, but she didn't. Instead, she let them agonize with worry without an ounce of compassion for the poor, concerned, and loving parents they were.

During our absence, her son (my father) had contacted her in case she had any information about what we were doing. She explained to them that Rayane and I had gone to Busan with her, but that she had to return earlier than us for domestic affairs; the same lie she told my friends when they showed up at her place. This was followed by an argument during which my parents blamed Aachi's negligence. After all, how could she snatch (their words, not mine) the child of her own son without even telling them? It was her responsibility, as an adult and an elder, to keep them informed and above all, to put an end to my reckless decisions. Because yes, according to them, I was the one behind this little trip and I deliberately prevented Rayane from keeping them informed. So much nonsense coming from detestable beings. Oh, how I could hate them...

As a result, my grandmother invited us to lunch at her place to address the conflicts surrounding our family, and I was convinced she would take the opportunity to give my parents, who were too arrogant with her, a good lesson.

My parents sat next to each other, as did my brother and I, while my grandmother occupied the head of the table. The tension was so palpable that I refused to meet my mother's or father's gaze, fearing it would start a quarrel. Their mere presence filled me with anger. So, it was best to ignore them, as I always did.

At that moment, I would have killed for Jungkook to appear and join us. And I wasn't far off.


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