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"This is a bit overwhelming. Perhaps we should give you some time to rest." Were Namjoon's first words after Jungkook—for the second time of the day—announced the name of his homeland.

After that, he exited the living room, surprisingly calm.

"I don't buy it." he told me once I was alone "There's no such thing in the real world, our world."

For the first time (for as long as I recalled), Namjoon was getting on my nerves. His skepticism was expected, but I imagined he would quickly change his mind due to the current situation. After all, a wax figure had turned into a lively human being!

"How do you explain his presence? It's not like he broke into my home or whatever. He was freaking stuck inside the pantry room!"

The police officer tapped his chin, thinking of a rational explanation. However, there were none. Now, he looked like he was having a headache.

"You should get some rest as well. Please, do it for me."

Holding my forehead out of frustration, I shook my head from left to right.

"Thanks for coming."

It took him half an hour to accept, leaving me with Jungkook, who was busy exploring the curiosities in the living room. The moment I entered the spacious area, he was playing with the remote controller, pushing every button like some maniac.

I quickly intervened to make him stop, gently pulling the item from his hands. With a reassuring smile, I explained: "You'll break it if you keep pushing randomly. Want to see how it works?"

The man shook his head no like some sulky kid. With a heavy sigh, I told him to sit with me at the dining table to discuss what we should do next. From what he knew, Jungkook had been changed into a figure, then transported to the human world. Although he had no idea who had done this to him, I thought of someone who could answer his questions.

"First, do you know how to go back home from here?"

The black-haired male shook his head from left to right, obviously frustrated. "I tried the teleportation spell, but it didn't work. I think something's blocking my magic, but I can not find what." He groaned, lightly tugging at his hair. "I've heard things about the human realm, but most of us don't believe in the existence of your kind. I was one of them, but it's difficult to refute the idea now."

wax figure | j.jk x chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now