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In that moment, a complex mix of emotions swirled within you. The initial concern and genuine care for your friend, who seemed troubled, battled with the sudden realization that your secret might not be as concealed as you thought. A subtle tension settled in, as you recalled the events of last night. Shit, I really mentionned him...

"Y/n, are you there?"

Momo's impatience only intensified the pressure, making you acutely aware that she sensed something amiss. The weight of the unspoken truth hung in the air, and you felt a growing need to navigate the conversation carefully, lest more details slipped out.

"Huh—what about him?" You mentally slapped yourself whereas Momo wished you could see her yeah, right look.

"You talked about him. Apparently, he does amazing things. Magical, to quote you." you gulped at that "Who is he?"

A sense of internal conflict emerged as you grappled with the idea of sharing the truth with Momo. While you believed in her trustworthiness, the unknown reactions to the revelation of a magical world lingered in your mind. The dilemma of wanting to be honest with your friend clashed with the uncertainty of how she would react once confronted with the reality of Jungkook and the magical realm. Would she embrace the magical reality with curiosity and understanding, or would it introduce an element of disbelief and confusion?

You shook your head as if to rid yourself of all these thoughts and answered what seemed safest.

"I'm sorry I waited before telling you," You imagined her firm face and hazel eyes staring at you with disappointment. "I met him two months ago. Huh, through my grandmother."

You didn't want to be too far from the truth, although you left out a big part of it.

"I hesitated before talking about it because, you know—I'm not comfortable with that..."

A light sigh was heard on the other end of the line, but no words. So, you continued your story, keeping the invented connection through your grandmother to Jungkook, and leaving out any mention of Nosha and his wizard condition. Momo had no choice but to take your word for it, trusting that the partial truth you shared was all there was to it.

"So... Are you and him, like, a thing?" Momo asked

You forced a laugh, mentally cursing at yourself for being so obvious. "Oh, no, not at all. We're just friends, Momo. I mentioned him because we've been hanging out a bit."

"Just friends, huh? The way you introduced him sounded a bit more than that." She was definitely skeptical.

"No, really, Momo. It's nothing serious." You paused, but your friend did not answer. "Well, I mean, he's a nice guy, and we get along. But it's not like we're dating or anything. Just a good friend, I promise."

The Japanese woman let out a small sigh. "Fine, I have no choice but to trust you."

"I promise, Momo." you bit your tongue, feeling awful for lying to her "You'll be the first to know if anything happens."

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Kim Taehyung was very popular in his region, and for two reasons. Firstly, for his exquisite appearance. It was said that looking into his eyes was as intimidating as addressing a god—many had experienced it, so the rumors were well-founded. Secondly, for his, let's say, eccentric inventions such as as a talking map (for clear directions) or a kitchen machine able to blend, whip, and blend ingredients.

Due to that, he was the last person with whom Jungkook could stroll without fearing being noticed. Even if he insisted on taking him somewhere, claiming that his friend couldn't refuse given how much he had to gain.

"Come on, pleeeeease!" The genius inventor whined like a spoiled child—made the situation even more awkward by the fact that he was now thirty-two, not twenty-six like back in the day. "Just this once! We can just teleport."

"And appear right in the middle of a public place?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "First, tell me why we would go there. I remind you that my schedule is packed—so it better be worth it. I'm listening."

His friend held back a sigh as he watched the member of the Order practice exploding an abandoned hut before reassembling it, all with the help of his powers. He had always admired his best friend, thinking he had what it took to become a hero. Jungkook was one of those rare wizards who could cast a few spells with his hands—excluding teleportation, which was common to all wizards. He had the power to manipulate water, giving him a tremendous advantage, especially against enemies. As a result, he had some difficulty using his wand. But luckily, Master Jin was on the case.

In essence, he admired Jungkook. And he knew another person who, once upon a time, had admired him too.

"Don't get mad, okay?" Those words were enough to tense the younger of the two. "I want to take you to see someone."

Jungkook paused his actions, trying hard not to laugh in his face. He knew where this was going.

"No," he simply said.

But his friend insisted. "Kookie! You can't keep her waiting forever."

He shrugged. "She's not waiting for me. I've already told you—"

"That she'd be better off without you, yeah, got it." Taehyung shook his head disapprovingly. "But you owe her that much. Six years have passed... She deserves at least to know you're alive."

Jungkook wasn't sure if he wanted to confront Salina, but his friend had a point in saying that he owed her the truth. He hadn't dared to see her since his return—partly to maintain the secret of his presence and partly out of sheer cowardice. 

He wasn't sure about the love he still held for her. Six years of separation was significant. There was a good chance that Salina had moved on, and to be honest, that's what he hoped for.

"Fine, let's go." He finally said, giving in to his friend's request.

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From the window of her room, the house owner silently observed nature stirring under the influence of the wind. A bitter cold prevailed in Pohang, and the wind only made things worse. She let out a weary smile before turning on her heels, intending to leave her room.

But as she was about to open the door, it was pushed from the outside, narrowly missing injuring poor Aachi had she not reflexively jumped back.

Before her stood Eunji, with shining eyes and a flushed face betraying excitement. She was slightly out of breath, a sign that she had likely climbed the stairs at a rapid pace and then run to the old lady's room.

"Aachi!" out of breath, she continued, "She's here! She came!"

The aforementioned Aachi furrowed her brows to try to understand.

"Who is here?"

Her question was redundant; she had guessed the answer. If her employee was in this state, it could only be for one reason.

"Hanee. Hanee came back!"


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