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"How bad does it hurt?"

"A single shot could kill you. Or hurt you. Or scar you for life."

Jungkook watched as the policeman cleaned his gun with a wet cloth. Through the rear view mirror, you kept an eye on whatever was going on in the back of your car, worried. Thankfully, the passenger sitting on your right was sleeping. Otherwise, he would have freaked out about the gun or worse ; try to get it.

"Careful backside." You warned the man. "Tell me when you're done, Namjoon. I have to check a few things before we reach Grandma's place."

A few minutes later, the police officer was driving, allowing you to sit in the back with Jungkook. Earlier, you had gone to the library to search for a study regarding the invisible planet that you suspected to be the infamous Fanasia. Additionally, you had to submit the medical leave paperwork that a doctor had given you earlier this morning. In other words, a busy morning.

Now that you were comfortably sitting with the wizard, you could entirely focus on him and the only piece of work able to answer some of your questions.

Before allowing Jungkook to read the document, you decided to verify its legitimacy. Apparently, it was the case as it was made available in a library and referenced on a university website. Nevertheless, you hoped that the article truly addressed the lands from which the young man originated.

"So?" the latter asked, impatient "What does it say?"

You didn't say a word and handed the paper to him instead. "Go on, read it."

He complied without delay. For the initial sections, he decided to skim through them. Technical terms that he didn't understand were used, making his understanding of the text almost nonexistent. Noticing that and based on the table of contents, you pointed out a page where he would likely find what he was looking for. Indeed, the specified page began with a description of evidence for the existence of a living presence located at a point between the two known planets: Mars and Jupiter.

"Unexplained lights, fluctuations, and color changes hint at the possibility of an advanced civilization manipulating their environment." He reads aloud. "Exotic biological signatures... gravitational anomalies..." He looked up at you, excitement in his eyes. "This is it; he's talking about Fanasia! To preserve our planet, a magical barrier envelops it. No non-Fanasian being can see our planet. The Gods bestowed this gift upon us, commanding ten mages to maintain the barrier for as long as Fanasia exists.'"

At the front, the driver furrowed his brow, perplexed. As for you, you encouraged Jungkook to continue reading, convinced by the article.

Despite the validity of the article, he couldn't find any elements suggesting access to the said planet. Disappointed, the Noshean placed the document back into its folder and then into your bag, under your sympathetic gaze. His shoulders slumped, and he wore a disgruntled expression, likely wanting to be left alone.

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