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The shapeshifter had been through

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The shapeshifter had been through. He managed to transform both your brother and you with a snap of his fingers (literally), as well as Jungkook, whom he deemed worthy of his appearance. Hoseok wasn't from the region, so there was little chance anyone would recognize him.

"Now, you can wander wherever you want with this godlike body and angelic face," he declared, punctuating his words with a playful wink.

Rayane was changed into a troll—which he seemed to particularly enjoy—while you were transformed into an elf. You couldn't help but fiddle with the tips of your ears, fascinated by their unique shape. Long purple hair surrounded your gentle face. In this foreign body, you felt almost divine.

As a result, the three young people were now strolling through the market of Ushaal located just outside the homonymous village. About twenty merchants occupied a tent each in the area, selling various items: trinkets, clothing, books, potion ingredients, and food. A floating sign proudly stood in front of each tent, indicating what was sold inside.

The lively area brought together different creatures, mingling with each other through various conversations. In front of the spellbook merchant's tent, two loving goblins embraced each other, unable to let go. Bubbles of pink and red seemed to surround them, caused by none other than a nearby witch, delighted by the endearing sight before her. A little further away, you noticed a troll and a fairy arguing over a trinket that one refused to yield to the other.

You followed Jungkook and Rayane in silence, fascinated by the scenes around you.

"There, that's the sand merchant's stand. You can buy sand grains from the beaches of The Chanting Sea region. They're used to create sleeping potions and other sleep-inducing effects."

The warm air burned your skin, so you grabbed a handful of hair that you didn't immediately recognize and slid it over your left shoulder to expose your neck. A sigh of relief escaped your throat as Rayane stopped abruptly in front of a merchant selling various beverages.

"I bet we'll get sick on the way back." Your brother shook his head. "What's this?" He pointed to the glass bottles whose contents strangely resembled the drinks you knew from Earth.

Jungkook frowned, following his gaze. "Oh, those are typical drinks from the region," he said as his features relaxed. "Come on, I think you'll like them."

Indeed, Rayane and you had loved the sweet drinks, which oddly reminded you of different fruit juices in carbonated form.

Later, you found yourselves seated in a noisy but rather welcoming tavern, filled with Noshean creatures. While your brother had slipped away to go to the restroom, Jungkook and you were each sipping your drinks. You glanced at the green bowl placed in the center of the table, its contents unknown to you. The small purple balls with a sticky appearance tempted you, but you feared upsetting your stomach.

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