Desmon vs Devil Hunters

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"Well, honestly, this didn't turn out as expected."

Desmon is on his way to Chiba after dropping Mafuyu off at her apartment.

Although he managed to defeat the demons, there was damage, specifically to her employer's car.

So, with no way to pay for it, Mafuyu made him promise that she would call him on certain occasions to come clean her apartment. Also, Desmon must let her drive Kurox.

Mafuyu became a Kurox enthusiast after asking Desmon to let her drive back to her apartment. And finding her driving style amusing, Desmon let her take control without putting too many restrictions, which only made Mafuyu accelerate and have a lot of fun.

Finally, regarding payment, Mafuyu didn't pay him; in fact, every time Desmon has to go, it's unpaid work.

"Why do I feel like my jobs only bring me more debts than money?"

He sighed after saying this.

He stopped thinking about it and just focused on getting home to ask Shizuka for money to buy donuts, so he could lighten his troubled night with something sweet to eat, but to his bad luck, this troublesome night is just beginning.

"This time I managed not to ruin my clothes. Shizuka is a nuisance when the shirt or pants get damaged." He began to whistle cheerfully.

As he drove at high speed on the empty highway, several kunais aimed at him from many directions, and before even paying attention to the objects coming his way, they pierced his skin.

Desmon's body fell from Kurox, rolling along the road as if it were a garbage bag, and after a short while, his body stopped as the force of the fall ran out.

Anyone passing by could see the corpse of a boy covered in blood in the middle of the road.

Kurox stopped beside Desmon; in fact, the devil arm suffered no damage. It would be pathetic if mere kunais could harm it.

"Seriously, the master couldn't handle him?"

"I find it hard to believe that Father failed to eliminate him."

Two female voices approached the body lying on the road.

Two female voices approached the body lying on the road

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Long blue hair, wearing a white uniform, and carrying a katana at her waist.

Long blue hair, wearing a white uniform, and carrying a katana at her waist

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Being a demon hunter in Japan is not easy.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant