Chapter 27

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Sydney's POV

It's early Monday morning and I'm not sure what a normal time is for a construction crew to start work but I'm pretty sure it's not 6 a.m...Regardless, instead of laying in bed and allowing my mind to do cartwheels, I decided to get up and get ready for the day. Let's break some shit, I think to myself as I smile hopping down the steps to the kitchen. Mom is sitting at the table quietly reading off her Kindle. 

"Morning," I whisper as I walk by her and kiss the top of her head. Her hair has started falling out from the treatments but she hasn't decided to shave it yet, she's just been wearing it back in a clip, except it's getting more and more obvious there isn't enough hair to clip back. It breaks my heart for her, I can't imagine how you physically can feel so weak and yet have the inner strength to keep going through something like this. It's inspiring and like many times over the past few weeks, I catch myself staring at her with tears in my eyes. 

"You know staring is rude, Sydney Elizabeth, I taught you better," she says without taking her eyes off her book. 

I shake my head at her as I pour a cup of coffee and treasure the first hot sip. Mmmm. It's truly what I imagine diamonds would taste like if you could drink something so unique and beautiful. Every cup is a gem of its own. 

Okay, that may be a bit over the top but hey, I love coffee, okay. 

"What time is your treatment on Thursday?" I ask her as I start my protein smoothie. 

"It's at 11 am and we will have to be there for about 5 hours. Are you sure you're okay to take me?" she sits down her Kindle and takes a sip of tea. 

"Of course Mom, I don't mind at all. It'll be nice for us to spend some time together," I reassure her. 

" Yes. Because chemo treatments are way better than mani and pedis," she laughs. 

"Hey, we'll get manis and pedis next week after you recover. I'll schedule some appointments today." 

"Sounds great sweetie, " she says as she gets up to put her empty tea cup in the sink, "So how do you feel about being a construction worker for the day?" Making the snickering under her breath is completely obvious. 

"I feel great about it. Super prepared, all I have to do is break some shit and win the other guys over with my charm. Easy peasy." I take another sip of coffee as I smile at her. 

"I'm sure you will charm them just fine, I worry that you'll break  yourself instead." 

"Have a little faith woman. I am fully capable of manual labor!" I stick my tongue out at her, "And with that, I'm going to get ready for my first day on the job, thank you very much."

I toss up a wave as I head back upstairs coffee in hand and a determination in my steps to become the best damn construction worker DD Corp has ever seen. 


I showed up on the job before everyone else even though I stopped over at the gas station for two dozen donuts and coffees. I figure no better way to be a good boss than by bribing your fellow man on the job.  I  must have looked like I was walking on a trapeze trying to carry all that shit out of there but I made it without dumping it all over myself or my mom's car. 

That's another thing getting added to the list, find a car and soon. 

My to-do list seems to be growing rapidly every day but I feel way less overwhelmed by it and much more excited. 

As I sit the goods down on the dust-covered countertop in the middle of the diner I hear the guys coming in through the door. I've got the goods, now it's time to lay on the charm. 

I spin around, "Morning boys. I brought breakfast. Help yourself before we get started. I promise to not tell Mr. Dawson." and I end with a wink. 

All five of them stand there as I take them in, and surprisingly I don't recognize a single face, two of them look to be around my dad's age, with grayed facial hair and wrinkles around their eyes, while the other three seem to be closer to my age. I realize as they stand there staring at me they probably have no idea who I am and think I'm just a crazy person here to serve them coffee and donuts in bibbed overalls and combat boots. It was the closest thing to work wear I could find in my old bedroom closet so I went with it. 

"I'm Sydney by the way, I'm going to be running The Graveyard once she's up and running," I say as I slap the counter next to me as dust flies from the contact. "Might have to do a little dusting first." 

The older gentlemen laugh, as the one nudges the other before walking toward me with his hand extended. "I'm Phil, Brooks hired me a few years ago to be head of construction for projects like this. I've heard all about you Miss Graves, we just uh..." he takes his hand and rubs the top of his head with it, "didn't expect to see you here today."

"Well, expect to be seeing me boys because I'm not afraid of a little hard work and I'm a fast learner. Now, eat a damn donut so we can get to it." I laugh. 

"You heard the lady fellas come on." he summons them with a wave. 

I stood there chatting with them, learning their names, where they were from, and how long they had been working for DD Corp. All of them raved about the pay and benefits, of course, I thought to myself, Brooks would be a good boss, he couldn't be the slimy toad I wanted him to be. 

"Well, Mr. Dawson may be able to pay you well and offer health benefits BUT does he bring you gas station donuts and coffee on a Monday morning? I think not." I cross my arms across my chest and give them the sweetest grin I can summon. 

They all start chuckling as they enjoy their greasy dough and burnt coffee, when to our surprise the door slams shut, and all of our attention lands on the man in the suit who caused the commotion.

Brooks stares me down and all five of the men standing there with a coffee in one hand and donut in the other shift their eyes from him to me, quickly a few times as if waiting to see how this is going to play out.

I engage first, "Mr. Dawson, so nice of you to FINALLY join us this morning, would you like some breakfast?" 

"That shit will kill you all. You were supposed to be starting work 45 min ago," he says coldly not taking his eyes away from me as he tucks his hands into the pockets of his trousers. 

Phil kindly speaks up, "We apologize, Brooks, we were just getting to know Sydney here. You've gotten yourself into business with a firecracker." 

Again, looking directly at me, he responds, "Trust me I'm fully aware." 

As I place my hands on my hips, and give his stern face a sarcastic smirk, the guys begin dispersing around us to each corner but I stand there glaring at Brooks and his Mr. Big Shot attitude.

One minute this guy is all custom key chains, soft smiles, and sweat pants, the next he's business suit, smug looks, and too good for a goddamn gas station donut. It makes me crazy, he makes me crazy, and the longer I stand there looking at him, the longer we glare at each other it makes me truly wonder if we will make it out of this alive because right now I'd love nothing more than to shove a donut right up his...

"Phil, let's go over the plans for the week." Brooks breaks eye contact and heads in the direction of my new friend Phil, who looks at him with almost amusement dancing in his eyes. 

"Happy to." Phil looks past Brooks and winks at me with a knowing smile and it makes me wonder just what it is he might know.

AN: Another day another chapter! The inspiration has hit my friends! I'm going to try to update more often but I make no promises! You will be guaranteed a chapter every Friday but IF I get time to write extra, I'll post when I can! XOXO

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