Chapter 21

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Sydney's POV 

The days between Christmas and New Year felt a little like being in a lost world. Everything slowed down, the excitement of Christmas had passed but the freshness of the incoming year had yet to arrive.  I've felt pretty down since my presentation to Brooks about the cafe and no matter how many times I refresh my email, I can't seem to will his response to hit my inbox. 

I cried in the the parking lot that day and then came home and cried in Quinn's lap. She of course began planning a course of revege, starting with egging his precious Jeep. Luckily I was able to convince her I just needed to lay low and that's what we've been doing. We've spent so much time curled up on the couch at my parents watching old movies and eating loads of our favorite junk food from high school. Exactly what Dr. Broken Dreams ordered. 

"I haven't eaten this many pizza rolls since 10th grade." Quinn laughs as she grabs the last one from the plate in front of us and rolled her eyes at me while I refreshed my phone once again. 

Before I could stop her my phone was plucked from my hands and shoved under the massive blanket Quinn had herself bundled in. 

"Hey! What the hell!" I yelled, brows scrunched together in a pout. 

"Sydney Elizabeth!" mom yelled from the kitchen. 

"Sorry!" I yelled as I rolled my eyes as Quinn snickered, so I whispered this time, "Seriously, what the hell?!"

"I heard that." once again, mom piped in and Quinn began to full on cackle as she said, "I'm sick of watching you check your email and then pout because there is still no response from that dickhead!" 

Feeling bratty, I yell, "Mom! Did you hear what Quinn said!" 

"Yes." is the only response I get from her and I toss my hands in the air.

 "Then why didn't you yell at her!" 

Mom looks at Quinn with a chuckle, "Because she's right. You're face is going to get stuck like that if you keep making that sad face." and she returns her attention to her book. 

My mouth agap, I flip Quinn the bird. 

"I saw that." Mom says without moving her eyes from her book and I fall back into the couch and cross my arms over my chest as Quinn powers down my phone, once again laughing to herself. 


"What do you want to do tonight?" Quinn asks before my eyes even open. 

"How did you know I was even awake?" I respond. 

"Because I can hear the wheels turning in your brain, there so loud I'm sure your parents can hear them downstairs." she says. 

I pull the pillow out from under me and swat her with it. 

"Good morning to you too sunshine and I'll ask again, what do you want to do tonight?" 

I peek my left eye open, she's dressed, probably has already gone for a run, because even when it's 30 degrees, she runs. We haven't had her brain examined yet but I'm guessing some damage from years of being tossed in the air like a rag doll during stunts is the probable cause because there is no reasonable answer for being up so early, on a SUNDAY to go run in the cold. Yet, here we are. 

"I want to pound tequila shots until I puke in my hair and you have to give me a shower." I answer straight faced as she raises an eyebrow at me. 

"That happened ONE. TIME. and the tequila was YOUR FAULT." she huffs and I burst out laughing. 

I sit up, grab a drink from my water on the night stand and out of habit reach for my phone, that isn't there because Quinn says I'm not getting it back until tomorrow. "I don't know what do you want to do? Go out. Stay in. Throw up on yourself." I smile. 

"Well number three isn't prefered but with you as my best friend anything is possible on New Years Eve." she rolls her eyes. 

"If we go out our options are, The Tavern, The Tavern, or well, The Tavern. If we stay in, we can movie marathon it again and I'll even give you a smooch when the clock strikes 12, no puking invovled." 

Her face squinches together, "Would you kill me if I actually wanted to go out tonight? I only have a couple of nights left in town and I'd like to go one last time?"

The idea of seeing Brooks tonight after my presentation makes me sweat but for Quinn I'd run in front of a bus so if she wants to go to The Tavern then call me road kill cause that's what we'll do. 

"Lucky for you orange isn't my color." 

After bribing me with coffee, I finally get out of bed to help Quinn pack, she doesn't leave until Tuesday but the amount of shit we have aquired in this room is insane so sorting through the piles of clothes and boxes of Christmas gifts is an adventure that takes up our entire day.

By 7pm we have Quin half assed packed, showered and put ourselves together to head into town to The Tavern. We waltz down the steps and catch my parents spinning around the kitchen floor dancing and I stopped, watching them for a moment. I felt a stinging in my nose, trying to hold back the emotion of seeing them still so in love, even more so now, knowing how fleeting it all can be. From behind me Quinn squeezes my shoulder and I grab her hand before taking the last few steps. 

"Get a room, you animals." I sass to my parents, compensating for the emotions bubbling to the surface with some sarcasm feels like salve to my wounded heart. 

"Maybe we will, " Dad says with a wink and I make a fake gagging noise, shoving my finger in my mouth. 

"I am actually going to get a room, to sleep, I'm really tired and I have a treatment this week so I need to get some extra rest." Mom says as she kisses dad, then hugs Quinn and I before we head to the door. 

I grab the keys from the ring, "I'll drive tonight, pukey pants." 

"ONE. TIME." Quinn snarks through clenched teeth. 

"Be safe girls!" Dad yells after yes. 

"Always!" we respond in unison. 


I woke up Monday morning hangover free. Luckily we spent the entire night at The Tavern with no sign of Brooks and Courtney. We ran into a few old friends from high school and some townies we had known forever, ate dinner, Quinn had some drinks while I nursed my one glass of wine and we made it into bed by 12:35am. Pretty tame for a New Years Eve and I wasn't complaining. I guess, behaving myself isn't so bad after all. 

Reaching for my phone that Quinn FINALLY returned to my nightstand before she headed out for her morning run, I zipped through my texts, lots of Happy New Years wishes and a few missed calls from Sara. Then I pulled open my email, biting my bottom lip as it loaded and my heart began to pound when my eyes caught the email at the top of the list from the man himself, Brooks Dawson, Owner and Property Developer at Dawson Development Corp. 

I clicked it quickly and scanned the response, my breath caught in my throat as it burned all the way down to the pit of my stomach. I reread the same words over and over again, trying to piece together a different version of what it was that I was reading but there wasn't any denying it...his answer was right there was black bold lettering and I wanted to scream. 

How could he do this...why would he do this... my forehead creased and tossed my phone down on the bed and darted across the room grabbing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before I ran down the steps and out the door. 

AN: What could Brooks possibly have up his sleeve?? Any guesses??? 

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