Chapter 23

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Sydney's POV 

"I swear to all that is holy I am going to go Carrie Underwood on that man's Jeep for being such a raging asshole!" Quinn yells the minute I spill the deal Brooks has offered me for the cafe. The one that isn't officially, official until I scour every ounce of this contract. I refuse to let him fuck me over...again because this feels different than my 18-year-old broken heart, this feels like my future and I'll be damned if his ego takes it from me. 

As much as I hate to admit it, my irritation dissipates further into the agreement that I read because it does seem reasonable with him as a silent partner once the business opens, only overseeing the remodel and being an active part of the construction process. 

"I know Mighty Mouse, but as much as I don't want to admit it, he may have a point," I tell her. 

"What do you mean he has a point?" she scoffs. 

"He has the financial means to back this project without going into major debt, AND," I enunciate, "I won't have to worry about asking my parents to help. They have enough on their plates the way it is." 

Quinn crosses her slender arms across her chest and shoots me with an unimpressed look. "Okay." she deflats. "I get it. But STILL. You need to make sure every T is crossed and I is dotted on that thing because I don't trust him, Syd." 

"Thank you for looking out for me my little guard dog, but I've already emailed a copy to Sara's lawyer. So I am going to make sure everything seems legit." I tell her confidently. 

"Damn, look at you go, Miss. Business Woman, I'm impressed." 

"As I said, I'm not taking any chances where Brooks is concerned. With my business, or my heart." I wink at her, feeling proud of myself. 

She hesitates, something on the tip of her tongue but I can tell she's afraid to say it. I raise an eyebrow in her direction, " Spill it Q." 

"Are you sure you're good with me leaving? I feel like I'm dipping out on you with all of this going on?" She asks as she sits down next to me on the bed. 

"I'm sure. Seriously, thank you for staying, it meant the world. But I'm good, we're good. Mom's treatments will only last a few more months, then surgery and she will be in the clear." 

"And with Brooks?" she looks at me quizzically. 

"What do you mean with Brooks? I told you I already have a lawyer..." 

"No. I mean spending time with Brooks, close quarters, these projects take a lot of time and energy, are you good to be that invested with him again?" she whispers as if she feels bad for questioning it. 

I take a minute to let her question sink in, I've pushed through so much of this so quickly that it felt like it all really hit heart speeds up at the thought of working on the cafe WITH him but I shake those feelings away. I can handle this, I can handle him. Can't I? He infuriates me more than anything else but he's always been like quicksand. The distance in his eyes and the harshness in his words are all there on the's the softness of the way I could tell he was worried for my mom, the shake in his voice when he found out I was home to stay...those parts of him that are a peek beneath the bullshit and bravado...those feel uncertain. 

"Syd." her hand lands on my shoulder, pulling me out of my head.

"Yes, yeah, I mean, for sure," I tell her with as much assurance as I have to offer.

"You seem real confident about that." she snarks back with a smile. 

"Quinn, I'm good. Brooks Dawson is only an investor, I doubt his ego would allow him to slum it on the job site and if he does I'll have the brick walls built around my heart to protect me, no worries." I say it to her as much as I say it to myself. This is business. Strictly and clearly. 

"If you say so..." she says as she stands to finish packing the last of her clothes into her suitcase. 


We drove to the airport early Tuesday morning, so early that Quinn didn't even get up to run first. We chatted about her work that she was eager to get back to and what her plan was for the apartment while I was gone. She said she had a plan but wouldn't tell me what it was only that I didn't need to worry about my half of the rent. She was going to pack up the rest of my clothes and shit that could be put into boxes and have it shipped. Luckily I'm a minimalist when it comes to stuff, it's the clothes that could fill a shipping container. 

Tears pricked my eyes as we talked logistics but I knew it was necessary, I couldn't keep wearing the same 5 outfits and I had to finally let myself admit that at least for now, Indiana was home again. We had built such a beautiful life in North Carolina, one that I missed and as much as I wanted to cram myself into Quinn's suitcase and throw up the duces to the midwest, I knew deep down there was more than enough reason to stay. 

We pulled up in front of the drop zone at the airport and I pulled one of her three bags out of the trunk as I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to lose it. She grabbed the other two and sat them on the sidewalk before turning and looking at me. "Syd." her eyes were rimmed with red as she bit tightly onto the inside of her cheek. 

"I know." I reached my arms around her and pulled her in tight. This would be the furthest we've been from each other...ever and that reality stung. We stood there in the chilly air and cried on each other's shoulders for what seemed like an eternity. 

No matter where our lives have taken us or will continue to take us, I know we will always have each other. She will always be my person and I will always be hers. 

"This fucking sucks." I snort between sobs. "I'm going to miss you Q." 

"I will too, but I'm so freaking proud of you." She pulls me back by the shoulders. "You are so brave for moving back there, helping your mom, and going into business with Brooks. I cannot wait to come back and see what you have built at The Graveyard. It's going to be epic." 

As more tears spill from our eyes I hug her again. "At least having your snot  all over me is better than your puke." I laugh as she growls. 

"One. know what forget it!" she laughs, "I better get in there, I'll call you when I land. I love you Syd." 

"Love you too babe." I wave as she slides through the doors into the airport and as dramatic as it sounds, which shouldn't surprise anyone coming from me, it feels like the other half of my heart just went with her, because at the end of the day, we're the fucking love story. 

AN: How much do we love Sydney and Quinn's friendship? Fun fact, it's based on me and my best friend, she has literally been my ride-or-die for almost 20 years. 

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