Chapter 15

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Sydney's POV 

I paced the carpeted floor of my childhood bedroom as Quinn watched me with amusement. "What about this dilemma do you find so entertaining?" I snarked at her. 

She tossed her hands up, "I've never seen you so worked up over something like this before. That's all!" As she tried to subdue the smile creeping its way across her face. 

"Well, I've never felt this way about a business venture. It feels like something more, something bigger and I know it seems crazy but what could it hurt to explore it?" I questioned out loud to her but more to myself. The list of ideas and visions ran through my head so quickly that I could hardly keep up. Before Quinn could answer my question the reality of the situation slaps me in the face and I push my hands into my hair nearly on the verge of pulling it out, "I know what it could's what. Asking Brooks Dawson for a favor may actually kill me." Exasperated I fall onto the bed. 

"That is an unfortunate turn of events..." she stalls, "But..." 

"Of course, there is a but..." I roll my eyes and then close them tightly waiting for her optimistic viewpoint of this dumpster fire. 

"BUT..." she enunciates, "if he would be willing to sell it, it would only be a brief interaction and then you can move on with your project and he can move forward with a paycheck. It could be a win-win." She pauses, "You won't know until you ask." 

"I hate when you sound rational. It takes all the steam out of my dramatic monologue." she looks at me with another smile before she smacks a pillow across my head. 

"What the hell!" I sit up and sling the pillow back at her before we both collapse with laughter. 

"One of us has to be sensible." she laughs again. 

"Says the girl who just started a pillow fight, BUT you MIGHT be right...all I can do is ask." 

Quinn picked up my phone off the nightstand and tossed it at me, "Call his office, tell them you want to inquire about the cafe and request a meeting with Brooks." 

"Ugh." I groaned, "Fine." 

After googling the office number I dialed the Dawson Development Corp's after-hours line, it went to voicemail and I quickly vomited my message and left my future up to the Universe and my dismay, Brooks freaking Dawson. 


I clicked my phone shut quickly after talking to Tinika, the receptionist who called from DD Corp to schedule a meeting on Wednesday at 3 p.m. with Brooks at the cafe. I accepted even though my body was screaming at me to say no and run...old patterns die hard.

 But as I looked at my mom from across the room it gave me all the reasons to stay put. 

Quinn and I were about to head out to start some Christmas shopping and it was getting colder by the day in the lovely state of Indiana. So we bundled up and headed out of the gray countryside. The closest mall was about 40 min away and the minute we pulled onto the highway she started pelting me with 20 questions. 

"How are you feeling? Do you know what you will say to him? Have you found out who he is engaged to yet? Is it still okay if I punch him? I'll wait until the sale is finished." she puffs out. 

"Easy there Might Mouse, there is no need for violence and I don't even know if I will be buying it yet. There is still so much left to figure out. I'm taking this one thing at a time and the first thing is meeting with him. Then we will go from there, with the sale or the punching, whichever comes first." I chuckle to try and cover the worry piercing my mind. I hate not telling Quinn the truth but I couldn't process the idea of Brooks being engaged to Courtney let alone try having a conversation with her about it too. Plus, maybe it's a different Courtney and not the tall blonde basketball star he was obsessed with in high school, so until I know for sure avoidance is the best course of action. Again, old patterns die hard right? 

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