Part 25

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Mila and Sam sat at the pit wall as he chatted about a date he had been on at the weekend, back in Rotterdam, it had gone really well.

"And then we went back to his, and let me tell you Mila, Dutch guys aren't only tall." Sam winked as he said the last part.

"I'll take that into consideration Sam, thanks." Mila grimaced slightly at her coworker.

"Now monegasques I don't know about, good things I hope?"

Mila blushed slightly, "Um. I don't know."

Sam covered the shock he felt well, "Damn Mila, you have crazy self control. Also the fact you have thee Charles Leclerc so whipped without letting him bang you is crazy impressive."

"Shush Sam, someone will hear you!"

" I'm just saying Mila! It's impressive." Sam raised his hands in surrender.

"Thanks a lot Sam."


Charles was not paying attention in his team meeting, his mind was wandering to the night before. Mila and he had booked an airbnb to stay in while they were in Italy, a scenic cottage not far away from the track.

Mila had been cooking dinner as Charles read on the couch. He glanced at the woman, her dress was beautiful, falling almost to her ankles with a soft floral pattern. Her hair tumbled to her shoulders, brown curls loosely bouncing as she moved around the kitchen.

Charles stood up and walked to Mila, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder as he looked at the food in front of them. "This looks amazing mi amore. What can't you do?"

Mila turned around to face Charles, looking up into his eyes. "I can't stop myself falling further in love with you."

"There's no problem with that Mila, it's a problem that many face." Charles grinned and leaned in to kiss Mila.

She turned her head to the side, Charles made contact with her cheek.

"Hey! I was only joking mi amore."

"I just ate like a whole garlic clove Charles. You didn't want that either."

"I don't care Mila, I love you too much." Charles held her face, kissing her gently. As he pulled away he grimaced slightly, "Maybe not that much."

Mila pushed his shoulder slightly, "You are a nightmare Charles, I don't know how your mother puts up with you."

"You're the next mama Leclerc in line babe, it's your future."

"You think?" Mila raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. You'll be a great mother."

"Charles?" Mila paused, feeling her heart drop slightly. I need to tell him about why I haven't wanted to have sex with him. It's now or never. "Do you know why I haven't wanted to have sex with you?"

Mila explained everything to him. Alejandro, how he would come home from work and give her no choice. How he didn't want to use protection, so she had to lie and say she was infertile, even though she was on birth control. How he gave her an std then tried to say he just got it without cheating.

Charles was in awe of Mila's strength, explaining her traumatic past two years with no change in emotion from if she was telling him about a trip to the shop. He vowed to never ask her for anything intimate unless she instigated it. He didn't want to remind her of any of that trauma.

When the two finished their food, Charles grabbed the two plates, putting them in the sink to wash, and walked back to Mila, kissing her on the head. He crouched down to her height as she was sitting.

"Mila, if I ever remind you of him I want you to tell me. I don't want to trigger any bad memories if I can avoid it. I hope you know that if you are ever wanting to do anything intimate I am going to be a very happy man, but if that is not any time in the near future, know that I am even happier to wait if it helps you to heal."

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