Part 18

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Mila stretched and rolled over to face Charles, she gave him a quick kiss on the check, and got out of bed, her stomach rumbling.

I need food. Like right now.

She made her way to the kitchenette of the hotel room. There wasn't anything valuable there, only an apple. She grabbed it and bit in.

Sour, gross. I'm better off waiting for Charles to wake up, then ordering room service. 

She walked back into the bedroom, and slid into bed beside the sleeping man. He pulled her closer by the waist, Mila complied, their two bodies coming together, perfectly fitting to match the other. Mila heard Charles grumbling in his sleep, his jaw clenching. Mila rolled over to face him again.

"Shhh Charlie, you're okay, nothing is wrong." Mila whispered to him, gently brushing his cheek with the back of her index finger. His hand moved to hold hers, moving it against his lips. His eyes opened slightly, still half asleep.

"I love you Mila."

"I love you too Charles. I really do." Charles leaned forward, bringing his lips to hers. She closed her eyes, deepening the kiss. Charles pulled away.

"I never want to let you go, Mila. Please move in with me."

"I would do anything for you Charles. Within reason of course." His smile grew with with pure adoration for the woman.

"I can't say the same to you I'm afraid."

"Excuse me?"

"Contractual obligations and everything. I'm not allowed to skydive, or ice climb, I'm really annoyed about that."

"Shut up Charles. You're an idiot."

He grabbed the woman and shook her playfully. She pretended to fight back, and he held her two hands behind her back with one of his.

"You will never escape from me." Charles mocked a scary voice.

"Okay, okay, you win," Mila conceded. "I'm starving, can we order food?"


"What, why?" Mila was quite annoyed, she needed her breakfast soon, or else she felt she would die.

"I don't know. I was just trying to wind you up."

"You are a nightmare Leclerc."


As they arrived in Madrid, Carlos was in a strange mood. He was quieter than usual, and Mila was more than a little concerned.

Carlos hasn't been this quiet since he broke up with Isa, I suspect something has happened in his love life. I don't usually wonder about my brother's life in this way, as his reputation as a playboy was not completely unfounded. Ugh, I do NOT want to think about that.

"Are you okay Carlos? You're weirdly quiet."

"I'm alright." His disheartened tone did gave away his act immediately.

"Are you sure? You're never like this."

"Well, there is something, but I'm not telling you."

"Carlos! You can't do that to me! You're dangling it in front of me, that's no fair." Mila crossed her arms over her chest, and leaned against the kitchen island.

"I will tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even mom and dad."

What are we twelve?

"Okay, I swear."

"I got someone pregnant." Carlos dropped his head in embarrassment. Mila made a face of disgust.

"Um, okay. What is your plan of action? Like you know her I'm assuming?"

"Yeah. She's keeping it. And I do know her, it's Isa."

"WHAT! Isa Isa? Like ex-girlfriend Isa?"

"Yes that Isa. She's four months along."

Mila's eyes widened further, they had only broken up three months ago.

"Oh shit."


"I also have something to tell you." Mila flinched slightly as she said it.

"What is it? You aren't pregnant are you?"

"NO! No. Don't worry, it is good news though, I'm moving out!"

"Oh really? Where to?"

"Monaco actually, I'm moving in with Charles."

Carlos's face dropped slightly, full of shock."Oh..."

"Is that a bad thing?"

Carlos picked at his hands slightly, "No, it's just, don't you think it's very soon?"

"I mean yeah, it is pretty quick. But I am sure that we will be okay. I really love him Carlito."

"As long as you're sure Mila.  I trust your judgment more than my own."

The two siblings hugged for a second. "Yeah, I didn't get my girlfriend pregnant then break up with her." Mila whispered, smirking.

Carlos shoved her away. "Hey! Thats a sensitive subject. You aren't even allowed to tell Charles. Isa hasnt told anyone yet either."

"Hmm. Sure. Are you two getting back together then?"

"What? No. We are going to co-parent I think."

"With your job? Please. There is more chance of you winning the championship this year than that happening." I know it's harsh, but I am nothing if not a truth-teller.

"I know, but the baby isn't due until May, then we are winding down for the summer break anyway. No one will question if I catch a 'mystery illness' and I'm away for a week or two before the break."

I have to admit, the plan is solid, better than I imagined Carlos coming up with off-the-cuff.

"Fair enough. I have all faith that that plan will succeed."

"Thank you."


This is a busy one! I didn't want Carlos to be forgotten about so i gave him something interesting. Charles and Mila moving in together will be fun too! Hope you all enjoyed xoxo.

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