Part 12

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Sunday. Race day. Charles's nerves were skyrocketing, and Mila could tell. Hers were too, with her first day of live translation. Mila lay next to Charles, she had stayed in his room the night before as a "good luck charm", (Charles had begged her). The two felt perfectly content together. They were still taking things slowly, but they spent any time they could spare with one another.

Mila rolled over to face Charles. His eyebrows were furrowed in his sleep, and she was slightly worried. I know that he cares about his job, but the stress he is under is insane. Charles's alarm started, scaring Mila and waking Charles with a start. "Fuckk. Is it six thirty already?" He groaned, then stretched and pulled Mila into a hug.

"Yeah. Race day!" Mila snuggled into his chest. The his scent filled her with happiness, she still couldn't believe that her life was real.

"I have to get a shower." Charles kissed her on the forehead, and rolled out of bed onto the floor. He hit the carpet with a thud. "Ow!"

"Oh my god Charles are you okay?" Mila attempted to sound concerned through her giggles.

"I'm fine. Just thought I had more bed space," Charles huffed. He then got up and went to the en suite. Mila covered her face and laughed more under the covers. That was too funny. I think I am in love with this man. Is it too early to tell? 


Mila was very nervous. She was used to worrying about Carlos in races, but she had never had to care this much about two people, and work on top of that.  As she sat at her desk, with the live stream of the pre-race festivities, her leg bounced in anticipation.

"Are you okay Mila? You seem stressed." Sam put a hand on her shoulder as he asked.

"All good. Just nervous for the boys."

"Yes, that's true. I didn't think of that. You have all the connections. Try not to worry too much, they have both done this so many times." Sam's nonchalant attitude put Mila at ease. There is nothing to worry about Mila, they have been doing this for years. They both have.

Charles had qualified on pole, with Carlos in third. The two men had been extremely happy the night before, Mila had gone to dinner with her brother, and stayed with Charles.( The two were still questioning whether to tell Carlos about their blossoming relationship.) The two men were hoping to break the Bahrain curse this year. They knew that the new car was a huge step up from the previous season, and they had higher hopes than ever that the championship could be in one of their hands. Their only real threat was Max Verstappen and Redbull, whom they truly believed that they could dominate.

Charles sat at the side of the grid. He stared at a piece of litter, only the corner of a sweet wrapper, but he used it as a point of focus. I can do this. Last year was a blip, this season is my time to shine. Believe. This year did not begin well, but the only way is up. Mila has changed my life so much already,and I am more in love with her every day. He looked up as Fred Vasseur called his name. "Hm?"

"Let's go Charles. Begin as we mean to go on. This win is in you, I know it. We all do." He gestured towards the engineers and crew in thee Ferrari area and garage. "Do us proud Charles."

"I'll try my best Fred."

"I know, you always do." Charles stood up next to the man, as his principal playfully patting him in the back.


Mila sat, open-mouthed as the race unfolded before her. Charles was in first place at the end of his penultimate lap. He was going to do it. Carlos fought against Max some 20 seconds behind, and as they reached turn 14, Carlos snatched the inside line, creeping past the Redbull. "Yes!" Mila and Carlos both exclaimed. "I think that is my first smooth operation of 2024!" Carlos shouted in his helmet.

Charles passed the checkered flag with his fist pumping in the air. "Yes! We did it. Thank you everyone who helped me today and over the break."

"Great work Charles. You were incredible today mate. That's Carlos in P2 as well, a perfect 1-2. Great work."

Mila's heart raced. That was the most incredible moment of my life. I am so proud of them both.

"You know Mila, I was undecided on who to root for this year, but I think Ferrari may have my bet."

"They should've been your number one this whole time Sam!" Mila faked rolling her eyes, then hugged her friend in excitement. "I'm so proud of them both." She began to tear up slightly, against her will of course.


Charles walked out onto the podium, Carlos and max were already standing there, both smiling happily. The cheers were louder than Charles had heard before, which felt amazing after the shambles of last year. I am the luckiest man alive. Charles lifted his trophy into the air, greeted by even more cheering from the crowd. Then in the typical fashion, the three men began to attack each other with champagne.

Charles couldn't help but think of Mila. Tonight is the night. I have to ask her or I never will. Today is the happiest day of my life and only one thing could make it better. I am in love with Mila Sainz.

Mila watched from her screen, she was so close to two of the most important men in her life, but she felt like she was a million miles away. I am in love with Charles Leclerc.

Hey everyone, Happy New Year! This chapter was uploaded before but the last half deleted so if it seems slightly rushed it's because it is 🫶 I hope you are all enjoying so far, I know I am enjoying writing it. Things are going to pick up a bit next chapter so stay tuned!

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