Part 11

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Mila and Sam had began to look over the edits needed for their respective broadcasts, and the two absent-mindedly talked while they worked. She learned that he was also 25, was born in England, but grew up in Rotterdam with his grandparents, and he had just been broken up with by his ex-boyfriend of three years.

The two were very similar, they both loved music and art, and travel of course, and they both had loved motorsport since they were young. Sam had done a fair mount of karting until he turned 15, and his family had run out of money to fund his dream. Due to this, Sam had began to work at a local news station as an intern, and had made his way up the career ladder, eventually going to university in Antwerp, Belgium. Sam had begun to work for sky at the same time in the previous year, and had been heartbroken when the previous Spanish and Portuguese translator had retired at the end of the last season. The two grabbed some lunch before they watched FP2.

"So how long have you known Charles, you two seem close?" Sam sensed a vibe between the two, and Mila knew it.

"Um, yeah we are pretty close. We met for the first time properly at the after party for the Spanish Grand Prix last year. I was in a pretty shitty relationship at the time though, nothing happened between us." Regrettably.

"Wow. That's annoying. I would've wanted something to happen if I were you." Sam giggled slightly.

"You're not going to believe this. But-"

"Don't get me excited for no reason Mila!"

"I'm not lying I swear. I'm just saying that something happened. Like this week."

"Shut up! I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, I don't really know what it is yet. But I'm excited too." Mila couldn't stop herself from smiling slightly, a red tint coming to her cheeks.

Sam laughed more, "You're blushing Mila, you like like him."

"Stoppp, people might hear you."

"They don't know that I'm talking about Charles Leclerc" Sam only mouthed the final two words, but Mila jumped to put her hand over his mouth.

"Sam! Stop!" The man laughed as she blushed more, mortified.

"There he is." Sam looked over Mila's shoulder. He has to be joking.


Charles had been having a great day of practice. The car was performing well, and all the strategies that the team had been discussing were sounding good, surprisingly. Carlos and Charles were walking to Ferrari hospitality, when they passed Sky.

"Mila is there, but I'm not going to talk to her. I don't want to throw her off her work." Carlos said to Charles. Charles understood what he meant.

"Yeah, true."

The two men walked past Sky, attempting to be inconspicuous. They were unsuccessful. Mila noticed that the two were avoiding them, she was confused, but assumed that they had something important to attend to. Charles looked over to Mila and Sam, they were giggling together and Charles couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She has never laughed like that with me. Charles saw Mila glance in his direction and he waved slightly, he saw Sam poke her in the arm. Were they talking about me?


Today has gone way better than I expected it to. This thought was one that Charles and Mila shared. Charles felt that the championship could be in his hands by the end of the year, along with the companionship of Mila, who he believed had changed his life since they had met again. He truly believed in love again, after the heartbreak that was his last breakup. Mila felt that she may have gained her dream job. She could travel the world, make friends, and she was basically going out with Charles, who in her opinion was the best looking man she had ever laid her eyes on. They were living the dream.

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