Part 2

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The morning came slowly. Mila couldn't get back to sleep after her nightmare, and the noise of Carlos' Roomba unsettled her greatly until she realised what it was in the morning.

She crept into the kitchen at six-thirty, she thought that it was a reasonable time to start her day. Since she left Valencia to come and live in Madrid with Carlos she had been slow to get back to her work, so she thought no time was better than the present. She grabbed one of the granola pots from his perfectly organised fridge.

Surely there is no need for this many vegetables? She thought as she gazed into it. She had never seen it empty, which isn't unusual for a F1 driver, but it was always nice to see that her brother was looking after himself.

"Mils? Why are you up so early?" Carlos asked as he walked into the room. He was fully dressed and ready to go on a run.

"I'm taking my life back Carlos. I need to get back on track. I can't stay in bed until nine on the dot when meetings start anymore."

Mila hadn't always been a procrastinator. Carlos shook his head at his younger sister, he knew how headstrong she could be, and had been missing this proactive attitude since she came to Madrid.

"Good stuff. I'm glad to see you again Mila."


"The real you I mean. The Mila Sainz I know is not slumping around my house, she is taking the world in her hand and making it her own!" With the last word her older brother shook his fist in the air dramatically.

"Okay Carlos," she said, rolling her eyes. "See you after your run. Byeee!"

Mila sighed as she began to eat her breakfast. Carlos might be the most cringe brother I could possibly have. She scrolled on instagram for a while before she came across Carlos' teammate Charles' account. Charles is looking good recently. She thought to herself as she examined the photo. Something must be in the air during breakup season.

Charles and his most recent ex had broken up a month prior after only a few months together. Mila felt bad for the girl, she seemed to like him so much, at least that is what Carlos told her.

Mila couldn't wait for the start on the 2024 season. She had high hopes for Carlos and herself. She had recently been contracted by sky to be a translator for the Spanish broadcast, which meant that she would be travelling for the season with Carlos and his rivals.

That had been one of the final nails in the coffin for her and Alejandro's relationship, he didn't like her to travel and he only allowed her to watch the races in person if they were in Spain. So she could only support her own brother in person once a year.

Okay Mila, it is time to change your ways and start fresh. New job, new year, new me.

As she worked, she couldn't help but think about Charles. They hadn't spoken since the Spanish Grand Prix, almost eight months ago, and she missed how carefree his personality was outside of racing. She had managed to convince Alejandro to let her go out for the race afterparty, with the cover that it was for her sister Blanca's wedding, but he didn't want to go, good for Mila.

Charles's presence was a blessing for Mila, they had only spoken a few times before the party, but he didn't leave her side that night. She wasn't seeing any signals that he wanted anything more than friendship, with suited her perfectly at the time as she wasn't single, but they had both come alone to the party, and every other person at the club (including Charles) could see the tension between the two.

Oh my god. He liked me. How could I be so stupid. Mila thought about the way he held her waist close to him as he pulled her through the crowd up to the bar. How he told her that it was open, so she didn't have to pay for anything, but later Carlos complained about the price of a pint.

He was buying my drinks! I am stupid. Mila put her head between her hands and groaned. She felt to dumb for not realising before. He had stayed with her the whole night, he had listened to her complain about Alejandro, given her his two cents on the situation, and told her how if he was in her situation he would "wake up and break up." She laughed at the time, but now she realised that he was right. I am stupid.


Carlos had been pottering around the apartment cleaning while she worked at the kitchen island, he saw her with her head in her hands, questioning her life up to this point.

"Mila? You good?" he looked cautiously at her, making sure he hadn't asked at the wrong time.

"I'm an idiot, but apart from that I'm fine." She faked a grin in his direction.

"What do you mean you're an idiot? You're like amazing at your job."

"Not work, just life."

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okay." Carlos began to walk towards the vacuum again, he was about to tackle his room.

"Wait I do. Do you know if Charles ever had a crush on me?"

"Leclerc? I thought it was obvious."

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