Part 16

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As Mila spent time at home, she realised that the days she had spent with Charles were some of the best of her life. The work at home had less excitement, and she missed the good vibes in the paddock. Mila and Sam had kept in regular contact, and they had grown closer over the week they didn't see each other. Mila had been looking for an apartment in Madrid, but every apartment near Carlos was excessively expensive, so he suggested Mila staying with him until at least the summer. She was very appreciative of his offer, and she was reminded of how lucky she was to have a brother as kind as him.

Carlos and Charles had stayed in Bahrain for longer, before flying to Jeddah for the second of their opening double-header. Mila missed the two,but she had been keeping in contact with both.

I am so happy that Carlos wasn't weird with me and Charles. His opinion is paramount in my decision, he knows Charles so well, I'm glad he likes him. If there's one thing I know, it is that Carlos is a good vibe checker for potential boyfriends. I learned that the hard way with Alejandro.

Mila had also been keeping in contact with the "girlies"(the name of their groupchat). This group consisted of Kelly, Kika, Lily, Lily, and Carmen, all of whom were at the afterparty. Mila was glad that they were all so nice,as she had worried that the group may have been slightly bitchy. The women planned to meet later in the season,as Mila was the only one to be able to attend every race, due to work for the other women. They were jealous to say the least.


Mila took a normal flight to Saudi Arabia, meeting Sam at the layover airport in Vienna. The two were happy to see each other again, and Mila caught him up on all the gossip he had missed. They had a great time chatting and discussing predictions for the race, mila of course thought that Charles would win again, while Sam had faith in Max, must be the Dutch connection. Mila also had high hopes for her brother, as the sole non-redbull winner the previous season, she believed he had massive potential.

The two colleagues landed in Jeddah and immediately went to their hotel. It was Thursday, so they had a day to relax before practice and qualifying on Saturday.Mila hadn't told Charles or Carlos when she was landing, she didn't want to worry the men with having to entertain her, plus she wanted some time just to sleep and catch up on jet-lag. She lay down on her bed, she knew she was in the same hotel as the boys, but she would worry about finding them later. After less than ten minutes she had fallen fast asleep.

Carlos had noticed that Mila's find my friend had arrived in Jeddah, he had asked around and found what flight his sister would be taking. It's caring, not creepy. He was happy that she had made it to her hotel, and told Charles.

"Mila made it. You could take her for dinner, I was at a really nice restaurant yesterday. She would like it."

"Thanks mate, I will. Why didn't she tell me she was here?"

"She didn't tell me either. I think she enjoys the freedom of not having to tell someone her every move. Alejandro didn't allow her to have that."

"He was that bad? She said he was horrible, but I didn't realise he was controlling like that."

"Yes. He was. If I ever see him again he won't know what hit him. I would kill the bastard." Charles could tell by Carlos's intense glare that he was deadly serious, literally.

"Oh shit. I wouldn't want to be him."

"I don't want you to be either, but if you ever treat Mila even a fraction of the way he did, count your days." Charles was slightly scared by Carlos's intensity, and sincerity. However he could never dream of hurting her, especially after what she had been through.

Mila is genuinely the best person I have ever met. We have known each other for such a small amount of time, but she has taught me so much about unconditional love.


Mila woke from her sleep in exactly the same position she had fallen asleep in several hours prior. She had four missed calls, two from each Carlos and Charles. She only texted Carlos, she would see him soon anyway. Charles however, she FaceTimed.

"Hello baby! Where are you?"Charles asked suspiciously.

"Oh, nowhere important. What's your room number?"

"1145. Are you coming to surprise me?" Charles made a face at the camera as if to show that he had figured out Mila's plan, which he had.

"What Charles! How did you find out." Mila fake pouted at the camera. "You ruined it."

"Hahaha sorry chérie. Carlos told me you had landed."

"How did he know?!" Mila had started to walk to the elevator, Charles was two floors above her.

"Hmm. I didn't ask. He must be stalking you or something."

"Must be."

Mila reached. Charles's door and hung up.  The second she knocked he was there. Charles scooped up the woman and placed small kisses all over her face. She hugged him back, and the two waddled back into the room, Mila pulled the door closed behind her, and Charles pushed her back against it. 

"I have missed you so much." Charles breathed in between kisses.

"Me too. Should we move in together?" Mila joked.  Pointing at her chin and faking deep thought.

"Absolutely." Charles's face was completely sincere. Mila double took and looked at him.

"Are you serious?"

"I mean not immediately, but you can't live with Carlos forever. And I don't plan on losing you any time soon. I think in the near future it would be logical."

"I love you Charles." Mila couldn't keep herself from saying the words. They left her mouth so naturally, and she meant them in their purest form. I am in love with Charles Leclerc.

Charles couldn't agree with Mila more. "I love you too Mila. I will love you until I die, and every moment after. I know we aren't moving slow like we planned, but if I wasn't completely sure of my feelings I wouldn't be saying this right now."

Mila's felt like she could physically feel her pupils dilate. She had never felt this way for anyone. After Alejandro she felt as if love didn't exist for her. Her parents were the only proof that love existed, and they must've found it on a fluke.The fact she could even think about Alejandro in this moment annoyed her, he haunted her mind.

"Charles. We need to talk about Alejandro."



Mila explained her final few weeks with the man. His increased focus on whether she had 'cheated' on him at what he thought was Blanca's wedding, even though they had a supposedly open relationship. His dependence on alcohol, and how she had attempted to talk him out of it. How he had repeatedly laid hands on her when she did try to help.

"I just had enough. I spoke to Carlos and he had helped me get in contact with a friend in Valencia, where I was, and we were able to slowly empty the apartment. Not that he noticed. By the time I left the apartment was almost bare, I only left some old paintings that I didn't like anymore. Then I disappeared. I haven't heard from him since. I'm glad."

Charles had a tear in his eyes. How could he be such a monster. I share the sentiment with Carlos. I will kill that bastard if he ever steps a foot near Mila.

This is a long one, sorry! I couldn't find a logical place to split the chapter, but there you go! Hope you enjoyed it, and there is lots more to come.

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