A Cup Of Love/Tyler X Logan

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Requested by - melsbakeryy

Protective customer x barista AU

Logan is a barista of a known coffee shop, and tyler is a repeat costumer. He comes all mornings so they are known each other like 'friends'

Tyler walked inside the coffee shop like he do all mornings, today was different. His nerves were so tense because of his boss.

He walked to the order line, saw his perfect smile with blue eyes melt his anger a bit, logan was like this he have a affrction like that on people, he can make them smile in their most bad time.

The order line slowly get lighted, tyler walked to the order place when its his turn, "hello, ty. What'cha want for today? Something hard?" logan asked with his usual smile.

"yeah, definitely. I need a coffee black as my soul." tyler replied sarcastically, watched how the light-haired boy writed his name to the coffee cup and a small smile next to his name.

Tyler smiled a bit, watched the blue eyed man walk next to coffee machines, making coffee like dancing.

He loves logan because of this, he loves everything about him, his smile, his eyes, his personality, his appearence and his kindness. Logan is definitely opposite of tyler but you know what people say.

Opposite poles attract each other.

Even someone from outside can see the hearts in his eyes.

Logan walked back with the full coffee cup in his hand and gave it to tyler, after he payed for it logan gave him the most cutest smile ever, that was tyler's thought of course.

The next customer after tyler wasnt kind as him, "finally! Do we need to wait that much because of a fucking coffee that you cant even make good, if you are good at smiling then go and be a shitty mascot. now make my coffee, NOW!" the customer shouted at logan in front of everyone.

Tyler stopped walking to door, the cup was about to explode because of how hard tyler squeezed it, he turned to look logan and the customer.

Somethings breaked inside tyler when he saw logan's teary eyes and the customer's loud shoutings, "alright, sir... Which coffee you want?" logan asked with all his patientness.

"ice latte, name is barron. Come on, ı have better things to do than messing with a useless barista." tyler tried too hard to hold himself, he did it but he did this for logan, he knew that he's having some problems with his boss now.

After logan make the coffee, he gived it to barron but his face changed to anger when he drinked it and he poured all the latte top of his head and shouted more loudly. "ARE YOU EVEN THAT USELESS THAT CANT EVEN MAKE A EXTRA HOT LATTE, DUMBASS. LET ME TEACH YOU HOW TO DO İT."

Tyler stepped up to it and pushed barron back and hold him back by his collars. "are you a dumbass or something? You are ordering a ice latte and waiting for a extra hot latte? Well ı Pity your braincells- oh right you dont have them." when barron tried to push him back, tyler punched him.

He was about to hit again, he stopped when he heard logan's sobs. Tyler fastly pushed barron back and walked to crying logan "you alright?" asked to him while looking for did he get hurt.

"yeah just ı dont have any extra shirt or anything with me and now ı am covered with coffee.." logan talked after calming himself down by having deep breath in and out.

Tyler taked out his sweater and gived it to logan, he was already have a white shirt inside him so logan needs it more than him now.

Logan walked inside to change his shirt to tyler's sweater, "YOU FUCKER! YOU'LL GONNA PAY FOR İT YOU USELESS FUCKİNG RAT-" he still heard barron's yells.

Tyler patiently standed up and walked to barron, he kneeled down next to him and lifted him up by his waist and carried his body on his shoulder like a garbage, "what the f-" before barron finish his sentence tyler leaved the coffee shop and walked to back of the coffee shop, putted barron inside the garbage container and closed the cover.

He walked back to the coffee shop, saw logan is talking with boss of coffee shop.

After some minutes of waiting him, logan walked next to him with his bag "so?" tyler questioned with a asking expression.

"ı got fired because of causing the shop things get hurt, so now ı need to find a job." logan explained with a upset face, the boss blamed him for the damaged tables, chairs and etc. When he argued with barron.

"my twin have a beauty center, do you understand about woman things? İf you do ı can talk with her, she's looking for a worker understand from kindness and woman feelings." tyler offered to logan, he was feeling some guilt because of causing him to get fired.

"yeah ı understand about womans a bit, ı have a older sister. So ı know how to do makeup or paint nails." logan explained himself while they were walking, tyler maked first move for first time in his life.

He holded logan's hand and interlaced each other's fingers, doesnt cared about other's eyes on him. His only attention on the cute light haired boy, he loves him and he knows it.

"ı love you too ty, ı didnt thought You love physical contact." logan knows he was a though guy but he loves his soft side to him.

"ı dont, ı love you not physical contact and ı am not seeing any problem if the contact is with you." sometimes love make peoples more sillier than how they're.

The end.

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