Homelife/Aiden (headcanon)

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~He's alone, super alone.

~Aiden can be look like a always funny and not caring guy but he's not, his heart it hurting everytime he sees his parents didnt care about him.

~He's always smiling for not let anyone see his real pain, only Ben knows it.

~When he meet with Ashlyn he started feel real happyness, real feelings not fake ones.

~He have some eating disorder because his parents are never at home there's no one here for cook, he tried to cook but it ended up badly when hot oil throwed to his leg it gived him some scars looking like rain drop.

~He's so skinny but he's not letting the group know it he always wears Tshirts that you cant see his skin inside.

~Sometimes he's feeling like he need to be a brother to both lily and Ben, he's not seeing them as cousins but siblings. He's the brother that secretly takes candies for himself and lily.

~he's the guy who's telling his traumas with a Psycho smile and when nobody laugh "oh you guys really dont know anything about Humour."

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