Bullied/Logan Pt 2. (oneshot)

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Logan P.O.V

I walked to boys locker room after P.E class, ı was never good at physical things and theyre affecting me more badly like sweating more than other people but ı've Never have a shower on school, its just too overwhelming for me.

I saw barron, he was smoking at inside with his friend, unlucky me he saw me too. He walked to me and ı trembled more at every step.

"he'ya science partner, why dont you let me give ya another experience?" he looked at the cigarette at his last sentence, ı tried to be more confident.

"no, so dont-" ı felt a burn on my arm, he's pushing it up everytime ı talked, İt'll definitely giving me a scar. İt was hurting, HURTİNG LİKE HELL.

ı tried to push barron off with trying to remember the self-defense classes ı learned from mr and mrs banner but it backfired and he extinguished the others cigarettes on me too.

I couldnt stop my tears, why would ı have to be act like a crybaby? Why cant ı just shut up!? Tyler was right ı am only pathetic, a waste of oxygen. I felt someone dragging me to somewhere.

"s-stop, le-let me go! Please..." barron didnt let go of my arm and pushed me inside a shower cabin that pouring cold water, it was extremely cold and ı was trying to push to door but they are pushing it up from other way more powerful.

"b-barron please..!" ı tried for last time but only thing ı heard is running footsteps and the door got opened, ı sighed with relief- wait why my locker is opened? and there's EMPTY!?

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! what could ı gonna do now? All my clothes are soaked wet. I started to crying because ı dont know what to do. I was all alone, without have clean clothes and we are in winter! I am already getting sick easily, now ı hope ı dont get Pneumonia...

I heard some footsteps to the locker room, quickly leaned on another towel for cover my upper body, ı was praying for that was not barron or his friends if it was him ı couldnt imagine what could he can do to me.

But the one ı see was a familiar brunette, tyler! Wait why is tyler here?

"logan, what the fuck are you doing here like that!?" he asked with mostly rage and confused but a hint of worry creeped from his mouth.

"umm.. I-ı-" ı dont know how to explain, he will gonna think ı am useless and pathetic. I feel someone sat next to me.

This time his voice is filled with worry but still harsh "logan, what happened just tell me or ı'll gonna learn it by myself- what the hell happened to your arm!?" shit. He seed the wound barron did when he's extinguished his and the other's cigarrettes.

"barron.." ı am not feeling myself ready talk for this, but when ı am, he will be the first person ı'll go and talk. Tyler Non-realizingly squeezed my arm, he was looking pensive.

"tyler.. You're squeezing too much" he fastly stopped holding my arm and looked at me, his eyes are looking at me with fully worry, tyler was not the type guy that leaving his harsh shell but this time was different, he was so... Soft?

Tyler putted his sport bag to my lap and started to explaining "get into one cabin and change these towels with my clothes, quickly." his last word is with discipline so ı fastly walked inside the cabin and changed towels with clothes, shit ı forgot he's more taller and biger than me!

I leaved the cabin while holding the short from waist tire, it was too big and falling from my legs if ı didnt hold it. I tied the ties on short and leaved the cabinet, tyler was not here anymore.


I come home after helping my grandparents at greenhouse, ı wanted to sleep but ı am so damn scared of everything. Phantoms, barron...

Now its 10.36 P.M. And ı am deep in my thought, let me fix the sentence ı WAS deep in my thoughts before ı heard 3 knocks from my window, ı got scared and fall from bed first but quickly got up and looked at the window after putting my glasses on, ı wasnt waiting to see tyler.

He talked somethings but ı didnt heard, my window is more thicker than the others on house because ı am a light sleeper and many cars are riding on outside, ı opened the window.

"finally!" ı heard tyler's whisper yell, he get inside and gived me a bouquet of flowers- tyler.. TYLER GAVE ME A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS?!

"listen and dont cut me up, okay?" he asked with a annoyed voice and ı nodded. "look ı am so fucking sorry for calling you pathetic okay and ı am more damn sorry because ı am only making you feel more insecure about yourself, and about that little rat dont worry he payed for what he did." the last sentence was maked tyler smirk.

"wait, ty what did you do?" ı asked with worry, it was not about barron but tyler, if he did something at school he can get detention.

"damn, are you not reading messages? Check the group." he started talking annoyingly and ı looked at the group chat.

Traumatized teens🌲⛹🏿


İf its a jumpscare voice again, ı'll come and kick ur ass.

Awww you're inlove with me ashyy
You want to come to my house.

Cut your ridiculous flirty session
What link is this?



He's saying its ur and barron's fight

After reading it ı turned to tyler, did he just beated barron for me?

"you really did it for me..?" ı asked with a non-believing voice.

"no why would ı go and beat a man for you, its just-" tyler tried to look irritated but his tomato face was not helping it, he stopped probably for find a good lie.

"its because he called taylor Tay!" the reason was ridiculous but it was a bit realistic too, to be honest tyler can get into a fight with someone because that person call taylor to tay but it will be a word fight not a fist fight.

"umm okay" ı tried to act like ı believed and ı got focused on the flowers on the bouquet, my favourites daisies and tulips.

"ı hope you like the flowers.. Their root seeds are still on them so you can sow them to earth." he talked a bit more nervously and putted his hands to his pockets on his short, he always does it when he's nervous.

"thanks.. For both of t-them" did ı just struggled? Why the heat is getting more and ı am feeling it on my cheeks?

"shut up you tomato" tyler mumbled after pulling me to himself for a hug, he rested his hands on my hair. I didnt said anything and hugged him when ı have this chance.

"if something like this happens again and you wont tell me, ı will gonna be mad at you too so if that mf does something come and tell me, ok?" ı opened my mouth to answer and say its not necessary, he buried my face to his chest and not let me talk.

"good." he's talking to himself? Maybe ı need to let him stop with talking aiden too much, HE'S STEALİNG HİS MENTAL HEALTH TO HİMSELF!

I hugged tyler more tightly, he didnt said anything. I am feeling like a little kid who's telling his parents every unnecessary details.


I am happy, he's happy, we are happy so it doesnt matter that much.

The end.

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