At Valentine's Day Date/Benlor (headcanon)

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~Ben comed to logan's grandparents shop for buy Taylor some flowers and when Logan understanded why he come from he mistakenly teached him to how to make a flower crown, at least he tried but he was a bad actor.

~Taylor couldnt choose what she can wear so she taked tyler to ask him which one is better between 23 outfit combinations and Tyler was like 'somrone save me'.

~When they finally meet for the date first they comed to a amusement park, Ben knows Taylor is a girl who can even be happy with 1 flower from ground.

~Taylor won a 'hit the target' game and taked a pink teddybear, before they go home she will gonna give it to ben for him to give lily.

~Ben is sometimes really insecure, he felt like it at when the group goed to arcade. He thought someone beautiful as Taylor probably choose Logan over him, he was kind, cute, knows style and smart but Ben only have anger issues.

~When he always started to think like that he holds Taylor's hand and feels all his insecurities slowly melting away.

~Taylor is a girl that can comfort everyone she's the social butterfly and Ben is the shy singing lover guy but theyre still completing each other.

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