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It's been a few days since David forgot my birthday and things were a bit tense but as the power couple that we were, we overcame it.

David apologized and spent most of his time with me post my birthday, probably because he felt guilty. I for one didn't care about the reason, I was just glad that he could spend time with me.

But of course these things never last with David and before you know, he's back to leaving the house before I wake up and getting back when in asleep.

It was great while it lasted.

"And what about this one?" Kyle raised a white teddy bear that was probably half my height in my front of me.

"You just said the kid likes blue, and also that thing is huge." I sized it up with my eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with it." He whined. "Why is it so hard to find the perfect gift for a kid" He set the teddy down and strolled between the aisle.

I rolled my eyes while pushing the empty cart behind him. "Because you're turning it into a competition."

He scoffed. "I am not." His hands reached for a snow globe which her began to shake. "Too basic." He set it down after observing it for barely a second.

"Kyle...."I drawled. "Your gift to kid does not have to be extravagant. You could buy her a lollipop and she'd be happy."

He turned to me with a shocked expression. "Hell no, what would she think of me? A lollipop? What if Jayden gets her something way expensive and cool and then I..." I gave him a knowing look and he stopped talking.

"I knew it, you're competing with Jayden." I chuckled, completing Kyle's sentence. He sighed, realizing his unintentional admission.

"Look, Tessa, it's not just about impressing Jayden. Jordan's been talking a lot about how Jayden spoils her, and I just want to make sure she knows I can be cool too," Kyle confessed, a hint of insecurity in his eyes.

I held my forehead. "Quit acting like a kid and pick something heartfelt.....On a second thought...let me do it for you"



"Kwan you should know by now that I don't purposely upset mum." I leaned back into my seat while massaging my head.

"Oh she's not upset." Kwan chastised over the phone. "She can never be mad at her precious tae tae."

"Your point is?" I rolled my eyes even tho he couldn't see me.

"My point is, your reckless decisions keep affecting my mother."

"You're saying it as if we don't share the same mother."

"Well you don't act like we do." He yelled over the phone and I distanced it away from ear.

"You don't need to yell, I can hear you just fine."

"Oh my God." I hear him hit something. "What is up with you? I thought we were over this, you where fine just before you left for...."

"I'm still perfectly fine." I said with gritted teeth.

"Then why are you doing this? Are you at it ag...."

"Kwan stop." I said with a calm voice that betrayed the kind of emotions I was feeling.

"Jay I didn't mean...."

"Tell mum not to worry, I won't be a bother."

"Jayden...." I ended the call before he could say anything.

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