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I: how was the game yesterday in Australia? 

Letizia: we won, the journey was a bit long and tiring but we had fun

Sofia: leo, you and dad should have been there too, you would have loved it

Felipe: we're sorry we couldn't come yesterday, but i had important commitments and leonor had to study for her final exams

I: today we will spend it together, since there is the princess of asturias awards concert this evening

Sofia: right, so when my friends ask me if i've ever been to a concert and i can say i go to the princess of asturias awards concert every year

I: here, you see that in the end these festive days here in Asturias are not so boring

Sofia: you are biased, i remind you that you are the princess of asturias, you have a foundation in your name and of which you are the patroness

I: do i need to remind you that a hospital has chosen to call itself ''Infanta Sofia Hospital''?

Sofia: but it's not the same thing 

Letizia: the title infanta in this family is given to all the second children of the ruler, when you and your sister were little you were both infanta sofia and infanta leonor

Sofia: yes i know, but now leonor is heiress princess and i feel inferior even since we are both daughters of the king

Felipe: now i'll tell you something, when you, leonor, irene, victoria, pablo, felipe, juan, froilan and miguel were not yet born, if the spanish tradition did not prefer males as sovereigns now Aunt Elena would be Queen of Spain and the first in the line of succession to the throne would be Felipe and he would now have the title of Prince of Asturias

Sofia: and what about us?

Felipe: If aunt elena were queen of spain, i would be Infante Felipe, your mother would be Doña Letizia and you two would be Infanta Sofia and Infanta Leonor

Letizia: come on, let's go 


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