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I: why is everyoone already drunk?

Kate: well..... you know, either because they had a bad day or just because they feel like it

I: do we have to get drunk?

Kate: of course not, only if you feel like it, personally i would advise you not  to drink alcohol, it is very strong and makes you go crazy

I: okay, got it 

Kate: i think you know that if someone you don't know wants to offer you something, don't accept, okay?

I: yeah, got it anything else that i should know?

Kate: if you drink too much, you could feel very sick or worse, go into an alcohol coma and we don't want that, right?

I: yes

Fergus: hi girls, kate can you give me this dance?

Kate: i'm sorry, i promised leonor that i wouldn't leave her alone 

I: kate, if you want to dance go, don't worry

Fergus: she's right, then william will be there to keep her company, like in fairy tales when the prince doesn't leave a girl alone, so what do you say kate?

Kate: i would say yes, i accept this dance

Fergus: so what are we waiting for? let's dance

I: so william what do you want to do?

William: i'd say let's dance, what do you think?

I: i think this is a wonderful idea but i warn you i'm not a good dancer

William: you don't know how much i hoped you would tell me this, i'm not a good dancer either

I: well, let's see what comes out

William: probably a mess

I: at this point, let's hope no one sees us

William: yeah..... listen leonor, i've had to talk to you for a few days

I: really? about what?

William: about me and you, about us

I: what do you mean?

William: i've been thinking about you constantly since you left to go home and it's driving me crazy, you know with the issue of our roles in the monarchy, it would be an obstacle but when i can't have what i want, i do everything i can to circumvent the system and in the end i get, i thought i could get rid of this feeling but no matter how hard i tried, i just can't erease you from my heart and my mind

I: william, what are you trying to tell me?

William: it's hard to say sober, better if i drink a little

I: no, no get serious and tell me what you were trying to say 

William: i'll go without beating around the bush......i'm in love with you

I: oh, well even in the depths of my mind and my heart i can't help but think of you, in every thought you are there.... wait a second, just to make sure i'm not saying all this in vain, are you sure it's me and not elizabeth?

William: of course, why should i mastake you for elizabeth?

I: i don't know.....maybe because we're both blondes, blue eyes, short, same hair, similiar style

William: trust me it's you who i love, from the first moment i saw you, from the first time we spoke, i noticed that you  were different from all the other girls i've been with

I: that's a good thing, right? or should i get worried?

William: of course, it's a good thing, in everything you do, you remind me of my mother and i don't tell anyone this, so i guess you're pretty important to me

I: how romantic you are, but here's something you probably don't know.....i've never had a boyfriend before, i don't know how to behave with you because i'm afraid of messing everything up,  and i care so much about you

William: you have to let go, don't worry being engaged is nothing more than being together, trusting each other and helping each other, these are things that will come naturally to you, little by little

I: thanks for being patient with me 

William: don't worry, it's okay

Fergus: hey guys, everything alright?

Kate: you seem strange, did something happen?

I: yes, be ready.... william and i have to tell you something

William: we are together

I: kate, i hope this isn't a problem for you 

Kate: no, of course not,  william and i are friends now, everything is fine, i'm happy for you....actually fergus and i have also something to tell you

William:what is it?

Fergus: kate and i  are finally happy together

I: that is such a good news, i'm so happy for all of us

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