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William: we have arrived

I: wow, it's beautiful

William: yeah, are you ready?

I: wait, i am a bit nervous 

William: hey, it will be fine, the important thing is that you are yourself 

I: easier said that done

William: what do you mean? 

I: nothing, don't worry 

Guard: good afternoon your royal highness, good afternoon miss....

I: leonor

William: didn't the queen warn you that today i would intoduce my girlfriend to my family?

Guard: yes, i forgot, excuse me 

William: don't worry, where is my brother?

Guard: he is inside with her majesty the queen and the Prince of wales 

William: okay, thank you 


Q. Elisabeth: william dear,  how was the journey from wales to kensington?

William: it was good granny , thank you 

Harry: are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend or not?

Charles:  harry, please behave politely 

Harry: sorry 

William:  she is my girlfriend, leonor the Princess of Asturias,the crown Princess of spain

I: your majesty, your royal highnesses, it's truly an honor for me to be here

Charles: for us too, it's a pleasure to meet you, so you are the crown princess

I:  yes sir,  i'm the eldest daughter of King felipe and Queen letizia of spain

Q. Elisabeth:  leonor, what do your parents think about you dating my grandson?

I: i actually still haven't told them who  i was dating, i just told them that i'm seeing someone

Charles: how did you two meet?

William: in college, she is kate's bestfriend then we became friends and here we are today 

Q. Elisabeth: i wanted to tell you that your father and i are great friends, as well as sovereigns of our respective countries, i really admire the work that you are carrying out in your country

I: thank you so much, it's very important to me, in a few days i have to go home to visit a refuge center for ukranian children due to the war between russia- ucraine with my family

Charles: mommy, why don't we let leonor meet harry alone with william?

Q.Elisabeth: it's a wonderful idea, hope to see you soon dear 

I: yeah, me too 

Charles: i reccomend harry,  behave well with your brother's girlfriend 

Harry: don't worry pa, i congratulate you leonor, you have already entered in the good graces of our family 

I: thank you, i guess 

William: harry stop

Harry: okay, sorry maybe i exaggerated a little 

I: a little

Harry: it's just that my brother was never the romantic type, he never introduced us to any of his previous girlfriends except kate and you

I: what about you? do you have a girlfriend?

Harry: we broke up recently 

I: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to....

William: yes, i didn't know either

Harry: well, you're never home, you two are the first ones i tell this 

I: i'm sure you will find another girl who will love you

Harry: while we've on the subject, have you two ever done it....?

William: harry, do you think it's something worth asking?

Harry: what's wrong with that?

I: no, we haven't done it yet 

William: and we won't do it until we're both ready 

I: i'd better go now, the flight leaves tonight 

William: weren't you supposed to leave in a couple of days?

I: yes but they anticipated  the events

William: please be careful

I: yeah, you know i was wondering if you wanted to join me in spain, you would meet my family, before there will be an article in the media or newspaper

William: okay, i'll catch up with you in a few days 

I: okay, bye harry it was nice to meet you 

Harry: for me too, come and visit soon 

I: i will, bye

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