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Kate: leonor, what are you doing? it's 7 in the morning

I: i'm packing my things in my suitcase

Kate: why are you doing this?

I: hello? did you forget that today i have to go back to spain for some dys?

Kate: oh please don't remind me

I: i'm sorry but the plane leaves in an hour, i promise that once i get back we'll do something fun together

Kate: i'm in, but on one condition

I: i'm all ears

Kate: i will forgive the fact that you leave me aloe only if i choose the activity we will do

I: fine but remember that i have a limit to what i can do

Kate: i'll keep that in mind 

I: thank you, you will get used to the fact that i will have to return home somethimes during these years

Kate: and you'll have to get used to doing something fun every time you come back here, deal?

I: deal, now i gotta go, see you in a few days

Kate: have a good trip, bye 

I: bye 


Letizia: welcome back honey, i missed you so much

I: mom, it's good to see you again, where are dad and sofia?

Letizia: sofia is at school, today she was going to stay with a friend of hers to do a science project, while your father went with your grandmother to a ceremony, he should be back soon

I: oh, okay 

Letizia: tell me how school is going, do you like it? have you made friends? how are the lessons?

I: i'm having a lot of fun, i made friends with a girl called Catherine Middleton but she prefers to be called Kate, the lessons are interesting and very different than here

Letizia: i'm happy you like it there 

I: yeah, i'm very lucky, is there any news here?

Letizia: yes, unfortunately not good

I: why? what happened?

Letizia: news about your aunt cristina and her husband came out in a magazine

I: what kind of news?

Letizia: let's just say  that both your father and i don't want  you and sofia to hang out with your cousins

I: you mean irene, pablo, miguel and juan, aunt cristina's children'?

Letizia: yes, even aunt elena's children

I: but mom....don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?

Letizia: we may be exaggerating but if they don't want to be part of this type of royal life....

I: you mean victoria, she is a model and an influencer, she's trying to build her life awaw from the media, the press.....from our family

Letizia: i know but it doesn't mean  that you and sofia have to follow them, plus i remind you that you  and your sister have a higher position as daughters of the king

I: okay, does sofia know?

Letizia:  yes, we told her when the news came out

Felipe: hey, i'm home 

Letizia: guess who's back?

Felipe: leonor

I: dad, i missed you so much 

Felipe: how nice to see you, it's not the same without you

I: really?

Felipe: yeah of course

I: i wanted to ask you what tomorrow's event is about

Letizia: we will partecipate for the first time in the celebration of the patron Saint Santiago of spain

I: what is it about?

Felipe: as your mother said, it is a celebration in which soldiers and people will partecipate and it will be held in the Cathedral of santiago

I: okay


William: kate

Kate: what do you want william?

William: listen i'm sorry about how things ended between us, i should have understood you instead of yelling at you, i know it's not easy to be part of my life, like elizabeth's and leonor's life, as future monarchs of our respective countries

Kate: it's okay, i forgive you

William: really? so friends?

Kate: okay, what do you wanted to ask me?

William: i wanted to ask you if you knew where leonor is, i saw that she wasn't in class today, i wanted to know if she was okay 

Kate: yeah, she's fine but she returned to spain for a few days due to an event

William: oh i didn't know..... how long until she comes back?

Kate: probably she'll be back in a few days

William: okay, thank you

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