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Harry: hey, can i come in?

I: if you insist

Harry: did you wake up in a bad mood this morning?

I: i was fine before i saw you

Harry: oh come on 

I: listen harry, i appreciate you wanting to help your brother but this doesn't concern you, and if william sent you to talk to me then he's more of a coward than i expected

Harry: william didn't send me, he doesn't even know that i came to talk to you

I: then what do you want from me?

Harry: i  wanted to talk to you

I: we are already doing it

Harry: you know what i meant 

I: okay, do you want to talk?  then talk 

Harry: i don't know if you know but william and  i have always been different, he is like the white sheep and i am like the black sheep for our family

I: harry, get to the point i don't want to listen to a story especially if it involves william

Harry: okay, i was saying that no matter what i do i'm seen as a troublemaker by my family and for entertainment i started smoking weed and doing drugs with some friends

I: i'll stop you right now, i'm not a drug addict and i don't have drug problems, so you and i have nothing in common

Harry: please just  listen to what i want to tell you

I:  sorry, go ahead 

Harry: there was a time when everything i did outside the rules ended up on the front page of the newspapers and william always tried to fix everything but he didn't always succeed

I: what are you trying to tell me?

Harry: that you and william are more similiar than what you both thought 

I: for your information, he was the one who left me and not the other way around, i think he was too busy with his new friend Isabella

Harry: we both know that he only said that because he was mad at you and didn't mean it

I: i wish i could believe you.... but you weren't there, you didn't see the way he looked at me and you didn't see his eyes

Harry: put yourself in his shoes, if i were to find out that my girlfriend was taking drugs, i would react like william

I: so it's a family thing, did he tell you he wouldn't let me explain why i did it?

Harry: no, he didn't 

I: do you want to know why? because he and i have a great responsibility on our shoulders, the only difference is that we handle it differently, he seems as if he doesn't care about his future and his future role while i'm the opposite because i don't want to disappoint anyone and my parents have been preparing me for my future since i was 9, now i'm almost 17 and william  is almost 18, i think he needs to start taking his role and his future seriously

Harry: i think that  maybe you should find a meeting point

I: and how? he doesn't even look at me anymore, i really don't think he wants to talk to me, i understand that he was upset but now he's acting like a child

Harry: i can talk to him but i would suggest you don't tell him he is acting like a child

I: i' ll try, now i'm tired of thinking about him, tell him i'm not here tomorrow 

Harry: why? do you go back to spain to escape from problems?

I: of course no, tomorrow there is the match of the spanish women's football team, they play here in england, i  bought two tickets for me and my sister

Harry: oh, have fun tomorrow, i better go now

I: yeah, good idea 

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