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William: hey beautiful 

I: william, what are you doing here at the airport?

William: it is not clear? i came to get you

I: how did you manage to get out of college during school hours? the excuse ''i'm the Queen's nephew'' or ''i'm the Prince of Wales'' is not valid

William: let's say that being 18 has its advantages and the excuse that i am the Prince of Wales sounds better

I: what a fool you are

William: come on let's go beautiful

I: sorry, how did you get from college to the airport? please don't tell me walk

William: how tired are you, it's a half hour walk

I: i'm too tired to walk, i'd rather stay here

William: i'm joking beautiful, i came with the car,i 'll drive

I: i almost preferred to go walking

William: you offend me though

I: i only get in the car if you don't run

William: i promise, can we go now? 

I: yes 


William: here we are 

I: are you kidding me? why we are here? we should be at school

William: relax, we won't go to school today, i have to solve something here

I: and you need me to do it?

William: you're nervous today, what's up with you?

I: nothing, you just know i didn't sleep a wink last night because i was on a plane and i was thinking about going back to college today plus i  have a headache

William: i brought you this for your headache

I: thank you, i'm sorry if i yelled and if i sound like a crazy person

William: don't worry 

I:  are you okay? 

William: i could be better

I: why? what's wrong?

William: it's harry 

I: what did he do this time?

William: he's been making messes for a week, making grandma, grandpa, dad and even me angry because my family expects me to solve his messes....and as if that wasn't enough, he and chelsea argue almost every day

I: have you tried talking to him about this?

William: yes, a lot of times

I: what if you tried talking to chelsea to see if she knows anything more than you?

William: good idea, but i don't think i can do it alone

I: i'm coming with you, i won't leave you alone

Willliam: thanks, come in 


William: what's this noise?

I: it seems like screaming 

William: yes, it's from harry's room

Chelsea: fuck you 

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