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Fergus: kate, leonor i wanted to tell you that william has returned from Kensigton palace, he is waiting for you in the back garden 

I: okay, thank you fergus , have fun you two

Kate: we will, thank you bye 

I: bye 


I: hey william 

William: hey, i missed you these days

I: yeah, you too, you can't imagine how much 

William: i saw you on the internet, i saw the concert, the awards, and the ceremony and of course your speeches were the best parts

I: did you understand them?

William: not all but most of the words you said

I: there's another thing i wanted to ask you 

William: yeah, sure tell me 

I: did  you knew that your brother and my sister write letters to  each others?

William: what? no, i didn't know but that explains why i no longer see my brother harry on every front page of every newspaper

I: how exaggerated you are, anyway  kate told me you were at Kensigton palace this morning, did anything happen while i was away?

William: no, don't worry, my grandmother warned me yesterday that she wanted to see me today, so that just she and i could talk

I: luckily, i was scared, and what did you two  talk about it if i may ask?

William: yes you can, we talked about the girl who made me lose my mind, who conquered my heart and who at the beginning didn't even speak to me but now we understand each other with a simple look and who is the best of the class

I: when i returned to spain, my parents asked me if i had found a boyfriend and i told them yes, and that when the time is right  i would introduce you to them

William: to be honest, i don't know if it makes me more nervous to meet your father or your mother, what do you think?

I: why? does my father scare you?

William: yes, from what i've seen

I:  oh don't worry, he's not bad,  he is quite  the opposite

William: but i still want to make a good impression on your father, from what i've seen he is very protective of you and your sister

I: yes, he  always  has been,maybe  because he had two older sisters and then he had two daughters

William: i know  that the first child of your grandparents is your aunt elena and then your aunt  cristina were born before your father, but why when your grandfather abdicated, did your father become king?

I: it's easy, because in spain until before my father became king, he was the only male, albeit the only son of the king to become the heir to the spanish throne, since they were little, my aunts elena and cristina had the title of Infanta of spain, when my sister and i were born, my father was still the Prince of Asturias and me and sofia had the title of Infantas of spain, then when my father became king, i inherited the title Princess of Asturias and my sister as the king's youngest daughter  remained Infanta of spain

William: we have something like that here in england too

I: you know i did a calculation, spain, belgium, sweden, norway and  the netherlands will be the only countries to have queens in the future, while all other monarchic  countries will have kings

William: you're right, i never thought about it 

I: hey, william one more thing before i forget, in a few weeks i will have to return home because there will be the anniversary of my father's proclamation and then my confirmation

William: okay, but aren't you tired of doing spain-england and then england-spain all the time?

I: a little but i can't do otherwise

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