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Felipe: leonor, in a few days  you will leave for the UK, your mother and i know that you are nervous

I: yeah but i'm also excited because i will meet new people, i will make new friends and more over it will be my first experience away from our country and our family

Felipe: you're right honey, that's why me, sofia and your mom made a surprise for you

I: are you serious? what is it?

Letizia: we thought we'd invite here the kids  who will study with you during these three years so you'll get to know them and feel calmer

I: oh, thank you, it's a wonderful surprise i really needed that

Sofia: will there be other royals with leo?

Felipe: yeah, i forgot to tell you but there will be Prince william of Wales and Princess elizabeth of Belgium, the duchess of brabant

I: wow, i didn't expect them to be there too

Letizia: as heirs to their respective countries such as england and belgium have applied to the same college as you, as it trains young royals and heirs to the throne

I: well, let's hope everything goes well then 

Felipe: it will be  honey


Headmaster: hello you must be the Princess of Asturias, leonor

I: yeah, it's me but please call me leonor,  i wanted to tell you that i am very happy to join this college, it will be a unique experience

Headmaster: we are also very happy to have you in our college, in the admission tests you were one of the few to have obtained the maximum score

I: thank you so much 

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Headmaster: guys, form a single line, the King, the Queen and their youngest daughter the Infanta Sofia are arriving, make yourselves ready

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Headmaster: guys, form a single line, the King, the Queen and their youngest daughter the Infanta Sofia are arriving, make yourselves ready

Headmaster: guys, form a single line, the King, the Queen and their youngest daughter the Infanta Sofia are arriving, make yourselves ready

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Felipe: hi, you look familiar, do i know you?

I: i don't know....maybe 

Jasmin: hello princess, i wanted to tell you that unfortunately prince william couldn't make it today 

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Jasmin: hello princess, i wanted to tell you that unfortunately prince william couldn't make it today 

I: hi, please call me leonor, don't worry i understand, he must have been busy but i really appreciate that the rest of you were able to come here today

I: hi, please call me leonor, don't worry i understand, he must have been busy but i really appreciate that the rest of you were able to come here today

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Felipe: guys, today i'm not here as a King but i'm here as a father, as you know my eldest daughter leonor, will study with you for three years, i wanted to say good luck to you for the startof this school year, i hope you will have fun, obviously...

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Felipe: guys, today i'm not here as a King but i'm here as a father, as you know my eldest daughter leonor, will study with you for three years, i wanted to say good luck to you for the startof this school year, i hope you will have fun, obviously in diligently and without doing rash things, i hope that you will make new friends who will be useful to you in these years but also outside of school, i conclude by wishing you all a good luck 

Letizia: i also  wanted to add that i am here as a mother and not as a Queen,i would like to say one thing to my daughter leonor, enjoy this experience and these fantastic companions that you were lucky enough to find, have fun, let yourself go and show others what a beautiful person you are, remember that we love you  and we'll always support you

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