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Elizabeth: hey how was the game?

I: very good, we won against the danish team

Elizabeth: good, has your sister gone?

I: yes, she is on a plane to spain

Elizabeth: have you seen kate?

I: no, she wasn't in the room this morning

Elizabeth: she's probably somewhere with fergus, i don't want to know what they're doing, at least not in the early morning

I: oh, they're coming here

Elizabeth: oh, how strange, there's no sign of william

I: luckily i would say, i really don't intend to see him today and then if he's not with fergus, he'll be acting like an idiot with isabella

Elizabeth: from the way you talk about it you sound jealous

I: no, because it's no longer my problem, he can hang out with whoever he wants and above all do what he wants

Kate: hello girls

Elizabeth: what's that face?

Fergus: there's some bad news

I:  go on, i'm used to it by now, if it concerns you know who , you can also avoid telling me

Kate: actually, this time it is about you 

I: what do you mean? 

Fergus: the news is making the rounds and soon everyone in the college will know unless they already know

Elizabeth: instead of beating around the bush, say it

Kate: you say it fergus, you started the conversation, go ahead

Fergus: thank you, for letting me deliver the bad news

I: so, what is it?

Fergus: a source claims there is something between you and a barcelona player named gavi

I: my cousin plays for barcelona football team , ​​but what do i and this boy have to do with anything?

Kate: maybe it's better if you read the article yourself

HELLO MAGAZINE: the Princess and the footballer, this could be the title of the fairy tale whose protagonists are the almost seventeen-year-old Princess leonor of spain and the eighteen-year-old Pablo Martín Páez Gavira known as Gavi midfielder of barcelona and the spanish national team, according to an anonymous source the future queen of spain would have in fact lost her head for the eighteen year old footballer without a drop of blue blood, reciprocated, it seems. According to the anonymous source, the princess would keep dozens of photos of Gavi in ​​a diary, but the most significant "clue" would be in an episode that occurred a few weeks ago, when leonor's father, King felipe ,  the only european sovereign present in qatar , after the spain-costa rica match he went down to the locker room and asked Gavi to give him an autographed shirt, the photographers immortalized the king holding out his shirt number 9 while the midfielder signed it, the shirt in question was a small , therefore of a small size for a tall man like Felipe . The shirt was certainly not for him, "it was for leonor", royal observers assured. If a love truly blossomed, it would be a long-distance love, leonor has in fact been studying for two years at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales, but last december 9th she returned home for the christmas holidays, therefore, in theory, she would have plenty of time to meet her alleged boyfriend who in the meantime, as the gazzetta dello sport, due to the new indiscretions he has already been nicknamed "the little prince" by his teammates. His coach, however, laughed at the idea of ​​"Gavi being the future king" of spain: "No, i honestly don't see it."Even if there is no confirmation, the romantic love story of the future queen and the footballer without a drop of blue blood is going around the world and the spanish royal house would have no problem with a possible rapprochement between the princess and the « little prince", after all, leonor's aunt, the Infanta cristina, was married for years to Iñaki Urdangarin, barcelona player and glory of spanish handball, not only that: if it were true, the story between leonor and gavi would be similar, with roles reversed , that of the princess's parents, namely felipe  and letizia . In fact, the current Queen of spain, before the 2004 royal wedding, was a journalist without a drop of blue blood.

 In fact, the current Queen of spain, before the 2004 royal wedding, was a journalist without a drop of blue blood

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I: do you think it's a coincidence or destiny that wants me to be with an 18 year old?

Fergus: your life seems like a television series

Elizabeth: but the real question is whether the princess chooses the prince or the spanish football player?

Kate: guys, it's not funny, stop 

I: do you think william already knows?

Fergus: probably not yet 

Kate: i would like to know who this anonymous source is

Elizabeth: i would have an idea

I: yeah, me too

Kate: now that i think about it too, are we thinking of the same person?

Fergus: who are you thinking about? what did i miss?

Elizabeth: ever since leonor and william broke up, there's a girl who's always hovering around him, short, brown haired, norwegian, who can't mind her own business

Fergus: isabella?

I: yeah 

Kate: stop talking about it, it's enough for today

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