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Kate: good morning leo, how are you? 

I:  i'm okay thanks

Kate: are you sure? i mean after yesterday....

I: yes, it was just a stupid rumor 

Kate: right, are you ready for the exam today?

I: please don't remind me, i hope to pass it

Kate: you will but i'm not sure about me 

I:  what do you mean? 

Kate: you studied so hard for this damn exam, i' ve been a bit distracted lately

I: i'm sure it will go well for both of us, in fact it must go well, this is the most important exam of the year

Kate: you're right,  please let's concentrate, we will pass with top marks

I: do you think william read the article about me and the player?

Kate: i have no idea, you should ask him after the exam

I: yes of course, and how? he doesn't even look at me anymore, let alone if he wants to talk to me

Kate: you try, maybe now that a little more time has passed he's calmed down and wants to listen to you

I:  i'll try, today i feel like it will be a nice day

Kate: see? one more reason to try talking to him

I: let's move, it's late

Kate: good luck 

I: yeah, good luck 


I: so how did it go?

Kate: i answered everything, and you?

I: yeah, me too 

Elizabeth: how did it go?

I: well i think, how about you?

Elizabeth: yeah, me too 

Fergus: hey girls 

I: do you know where is william?

Fergus: yes, he said he was going for a walk in the back garden, he wanted to be alone for a while

I: okay, thanks, see you later guys 

Elizabeth: where is she going?

Kate: she wanted to talk to him, she wanted to resolve this situation

Elizabeth: it's about time they fixed it

Fergus: let's hope it's the right time


I: hey, william 

William: how did you know i was here? wait don't tell me, did fergus tell you?

I: yeah, i wanted to talk to you 

William: about what?

I: i'll start by asking you how did the exam go?

William: i think well, had you studied? oh, how stupid i am but of course you studied, you're top of the class, am i right?

I: william, please, can we talk civilly without yelling at each other or saying barbs?

William: sounds good to me

I: i was wondering if you had read an article about me and a player from the barcelona football team?

William: yes, isabella made me read it

I: but imagine if she was minding her own business

William: huh?

I: nothing.....i wanted to tell you that it's not true at all, it was just a stunt by the newspapers to attract more readers

William: i believe you, you have never been a football fan.....but even if you were dating him, there is no problem for me, you are free to go out and do what you want

I: but this is exactly the problem, i don't want to go out or date anyone else but you, since i met you a lot of things have changed, some for the better and some for the worse but you have always been there for me

William: it's not true at all   when you were facing the problem of tranquilizers, i wasn't there for you

I: it wasn't your fault, it was me who didn't want your help, it was me who was afraid to tell you not you 

William: i also have something to tell you

I: what is it?

William: i want to tell you that i'm happy that we're talking to each other again, i couldn't stand not being close to you anymore and not talking to you

I: yeah, me too 

William: one last thing.... i never stopped loving you, i tried believe me, but in every thought of mine, good or bad, you were always there with me

I: all this romance all of a sudden?

William: i exaggerated a bit, didn't i?

I: a little, but i missed you and i never stopped loving you either

William: what do we do now?

I: do you want to try again?

William: yes, but no more secrets, promise?

I: that there are no more secrets, what will you do with Isabella?

William: she's just a friend 

I:  you can  tell me if something happened between you two, i have no right to get angry since we weren't together

William: nothing happened between me and her, we just went to some parties but nothing more

I: i believe you 

William: i have an idea

I: i missed your crazy ideas

William: what if we went skiing tomorrow?

I: what? where? 

William: i know a very beautiful place..... my mother always took me and harry there to teach us how to ski

I: i would love  to but how do we do with the lessons?

William: in case the best one in the class missed it after today's exam the winter holidays start tomorrow so we won't miss any lessons, happy?

I: yes, then i say it's fine with me

William: tomorrow i'll take you to the snow then

I: yes, i can't wait , wait....

William: what's it?

I: the day after tomorrow i have to go back to spain, there are the 2022 Princess of Asturias awards

William: don't worry, you'll see we'll have fun tomorrow

I: yes, i know

William: and as usual i will watch you from here, although i would like to come once

I: i know, but you know it's not possible yet

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