"what a fool you are!" urogi tackled her to the ground, making her hiss with an 'ow!' as her cheek was cut open. The four clones inhaled deeply, their pupils dilating as they smelt such a divine scent..a much more unique type of blood that was better than marechi. Hunger swirled in their eyes...

(y/n) was roughly flipped onto her back by urogi, the other three surrounding her. She hides her anxiousness, her hands still available in case they try to take a bite from her, "stop." She says firmly, prompting the four to look at her with amused eyes, brows raised, "you may think it was foolish of me to not kill you, but i chose not to because i believe you deserve redemption, that maybe you can change and be better." She says with determined eyes.

sekido scowls, "hah!?? what the hell is wrong with you, woman!? redemption?! don't spout that bullshit on us, we're demons!" He spat at her, tightening his grip on his staff, "and once we take you to muzan-sama it'll be over for you!" He hisses.

(y/n) frowns, she still has no idea why muzan wants her, but that wasn't her problem right now. She looks back at the four demons, "why?" She suddenly asks, surprising them, "why don't you think you deserve redemption? Because the way i see it, people have a chance to redeem themselves, to make right for all the wrong they did and demons are no exceptions to this rule. So what makes you incapable? Because you've devoured people over the years....centuries??! Get real, people kill people all the time and they do even worse! Yet there is only a few who reflect on their mistakes and want to change for the better!" She pauses, "i believe it's possible for you guys too, you just don't see it like i do." She smiles softly at them, causing them to freeze.

come on, talk-no-jutsu!! please work! I invoke the naruto pheromones in me!! sweat collected on (y/n)'s forehead as she stares back with intense eyes.

sekido and the others stare down at the girl with a confused and lost expression. Was she stupid? Who in their right mind tells a demon they have a chance for redemption, let alone to stop killing!??...then again, the (h/c)-ette was the ONLY one whom actually believed it was possible when no other demon slayer thought so. She was the only one to offer them a hand.

urogi, who still held her down by the wrists, loosened his grip. His eyes never leaving hers.

The four demons exchange glances. For the first time in a long time, they felt...conflicted. Their master; muzan, had explicitly told them to bring back a woman with (h/c) hair and (s/t) skin to him. After a brief silence of communicating without words, urogi leans down, making (y/n) clench her eyes shut. Did her talk-no-jutsu not work!?

She gasps when she felt a tongue lick her cheek where the cut was, lapping up all the small tiny beads of sweet blood. She snaps her eyes open, widening them as urogi pulls back just a bit, their faces close as he peers deep into her shocked eyes, "...your blood tastes heavenly my little human~." He grins widely, eyes in a crescent before he flies off her, relieving his weight off her.

Stunned, (y/n) sits up slowly, pressing a hand to her cheek lightly, her face hot as she ponders what just happened!! She darts her eyes to the four demons whom were now leaving, "h-huh??"

aizetsu glances back at her with his gloomy face, although his blue eyes held a glint, "we'll see you again soon." He merely says as the four run off before the sun rises.

"NEE-SAN!!" rui burst open the box and rushes to her. He checked her to see if there any serious injuries before huddling close to her. He felt angry at himself for not being strong enough to protect her. If only he had more power.

(y/n) patted his head, easing his worries. however her mind was elsewhere.

What was going on? Weren't they supposed to bring her to muzan? Truthfully speaking, they were considering it, however it all changed when she spoke her mind and gave them that little speech. Urogi, sekido, aizetsu and karaku were silently communicating and decided to.....—


"you let her go!?" muzan's crimson eyes narrowed dangerously, sending shivers down hantengu's spine as he whimpers and curls in himself. It wasn't him, it was his clones! so why was he getting the grunt of it? The demon king rose his hand and the upper moon felt indescribable pain as he slumps to the ground, rolling around to try and relieve himself but it was useless.

The demon king himself had informed the upper moons of the pretty (h/c)-ette and warned the demons that if a scratch, mark, or bruise were to be laid upon her...hell would be paid. She was to be his little human wife, until he decides to change her but that has yet to be decided when.

muzan rummaged through hantengu's mind and thus learned and saw what his clones had did. His jaw clenched, teeth gritting, pupils dilating. How dare they...how dare they stand so intimately close to his wife. How dare they touch her beautiful and untainted skin. In an instant, upper moon four's limbs were decapitated. The demon king was cold and merciless.

"learn your place, you filth." muzan coldly says, "no one touches what belongs to me." The sound of a biwa was heard before the demon king disappeared.

. sanemi was worried about (y/n) during her mission.
. karaku thought (y/n) was attractive.
. karaku wanted to dominate (y/n).
. sekido thought (y/n) was a fool.
. urogi wants a taste of (y/n) again.
. aizetsu was...hopeful.
. muzan is obsessed with (y/n).

a/n: enjoy!!!

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now