Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower

Start from the beginning

Ryou Bakura yells: "No! Stay out of me! AAAAAAAAA!" Yami Bakura takes over his body. The pain I feel worsens. "This is.. something I can't fight for much longer.. I don't know what's going to happen next.. But this is a really bad situation. Something.. must have triggered all of this but what was it that triggered all of this?! I wish we knew.. That would make me feel a little better but that won't matter soon enough.." Jim Crocodile Cook, a duelist much like O'Brien in having transferred to Duel Academia holds puts a hand on his right eye which is covered (by the once thought to be dormant after being used to help Judai get control of himself back from the Supreme King) Eye of Orichalcum. He has a brown hat, explorer style outfit, blue left eye, light skin, and short black hair with his dear friend Sherry the" Crocodile at his side. "It can't be. The Eye of Orichalcum has somehow become active again.. That's impossible.." Right as he says that, a bunch of villains run from all directions in the Watchtower to surround all of us. Amongst them, a seemingly innocent and normal looking man with light skin, a wide smile, gray? hair, and gray? eyes with a black outfit exclaims: "At last! I finally get to help destroy the BRAINS Collective now that the plan to have Hades Gate finish them off has proved unsuccessful!" Korosensei yells: "It's you!" "It's been a while, master! I've very much enjoyed being The Reaper in your place! Did you know that I died just like you did but am now back just like you?!" Superman shouts: "What is this?!"

Frieza steps forward and laughs: "Oh. Not much. We were lying when we said we were done with this universe! And now, you will not only have to contend with us but also the darkness that lies in so many of your foolish friends and allies! And to top it all off, we have many monsters you may be familiar with coming this way to help finish all of you off!" Goku Black adds: "In normal circumstances, I would refuse to work with other individuals. I only need myself for I am a God who shall punish all mortals for the sin of existing and choosing to fight each other!" Grodd smirks: "But we won't do anything until the transformations of many of you are completed. After all, it will be much more entertaining to slaughter you all alongside those who will have turned their backs on you! It's pointless to start the fight now. We won't move even if you blow up everything around us. We know exactly what we're doing." King of the Royal Flush Gang laughs: "We have already won! You heroes don't stand a chance against us!" He literally looks like the image of a king on the king cards of the classic deck of cards, an upgrade to the appearance he is known for having. And he has a scepter. Anti-Pops laughs as well: "I think it's certain that this is the real end of the BRAINS Collective we have been waiting for!" Yami Bakura adds: "You know, I always expected everything to turn out this way. I knew everything that was going to happen before it happened this entire time! Remember, this war is also a Yami No Game!"

Copperhead who literally has what is essentially an orange copperhead snake's costume over his entire body speaks: "Bakura, just how do you know everything that will happen?!" "Let's just say I knew Zorc would be defeated multiple times by now and made arrangements to travel forward in time and watch everything play out without my intervention. You could say I played a hand in certain events that led to the way things are now which ironically aren't much different than what I originally saw play out." I try to keep resisting the forces attempting to take me over but it's futile at this point. None of my comrades are able to do anything to help me. Bray is trying to separate those forces from me but it just isn't working. Herbsalvin is begging for me to get through this. And so forth.. Star Sapphire laughs: "Isn't it just something to see all of them suffer so much?!" Circe, a spell caster with light skin, earrings, white eyes, purple hair, and a beautiful outfit replies: "I must admit, I am enjoying what I'm seeing. Let's just hope this plan works as intended." Yami Marik gains control over Marik: "Finally! I am free again to do as I desire! I think I'm going to kill Risid and Ishizu now. They aren't needed anymore now that my weak half has lost the battle of wills to me. I am far stronger than he ever was and soon, he will be erased forever! Oh and what's more is that my time in the Shadow Realm for all this time has only made me even stronger! Hahahahahaha!" Ryo gets up and exclaims: "Now who wants to be destroyed in a duel where losing life points means experiencing electrical shocks?!"

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