A Knight's Blood

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The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 1: A Knight's Blood

Date: September 18th, 2023

Opening: Heroes

"Stand up tall. It's time to travel all over the place. *Dimension after dimension is crossed as a calendar flips by* Wherever we're needed, we're going to fight. Enemies in large numbers. *Side by side images of American Nazis and Don Thousand's forces appear* Hearts are breaking, communities are being ravaged. We're going to be heroes. *The BRAINS Collective gather on their space station and prepare for battle.* Gonna put everything on the line because there's no choice. Do nothing, we will lose. *Someone naps as people around them rush to save innocent lives.* Do something, we may win. Fighting is what's necessary. *Swiftdrawer gets out of bed, clad in their armor, cape, and more, yawns, and puts on a determined expression while holding their sword.*There's no other choice. We didn't choose to live in yet another era of conflict and suffering. *A transition of Class 1-A learning about past heroes and villains to fighting the Paranormal Liberation Front in Tokyo's Juban district with the Sailor Guardians happens.* All we wanted to do was smile. Here come the tyrants, they seek to impose their authority and destroy everything and everyone in their way. *Don Thousand, Black Frieza, Mr. Heartland, Yappa Yappa, Number 96, and more stare at the ruins of a city while smiling.* Domination, obliteration, that's what they seek. We're going to be heroes. *The Integrity Knights, Avengers, Justice League, Akatsuki, Athena's Saints, and more are shown gearing up for various battles.* Stand strong and get yourself ready for one hell of a war. I've suffered too much, I've been lied to, I've been manipulated. *Kirito has some doubts but is comforted by some of his closest loved ones.*"

"But I have hope we can win and get through this. One may think that this era is not one full of historical moments but it really is. *A kid in an unknown universe is seen living a normal modern life, even watching a documentary about a war.But then, Obelisk Force invades and they join forces with an underground resistance despite having no fighting experience.*Gear up, be ready to give everything up. Change doesn't lie in the people in power, it lies in the common people themselves. *The people of Miitopia, Ninjago, Minecraftia, and more get together and repel the enemy.* Unite, organize, resist. We're going to be heroes. *The Z Fighters push their limits while fighting Omega Shenron on Kami's Lookout* And we're going to push back against the evils that we face even if we ultimately fail. The light of hope must guide us. *Heartland City's top duelists give inspiring speeches.* Restless nights, wounds, pain, rage, misery, grief, it's all waiting for us. But we can't give up. *Despite having been unable to sleep the night before, Fluffy Afro and The Wacky Clowns fight as hard as they possibly can against an unknown enemywith circles under their eyes.*"

"Stand up tall. It's time to travel all over the place. *Bray and most other members of Miitopia's core group of heroes teleport all over Miitopia to protect it.*Wherever we're needed, we're going to fight. Enemies in large numbers. *An army of various enemies shows up in Ninjago* Hearts are breaking, communities are being ravaged. We're going to be heroes. *Shadow Garden and Naofumi's party stand together against a variety of enemies.*Gonna put everything on the line because there's no choice. Do nothing, we will lose. *A world rots as a group of heroes slack off.* Do something, we may win. Fighting is what's necessary. *The Lancers defend their 4 dimensions*There's no other choice. We didn't choose to live in yet another era of conflict and suffering. *Snapshots of various characters living their normal lives before they became heroes intersect with snapshots of them fighting various battles* All we wanted to do was smile. Here come the tyrants, they seek to impose their authority and destroy everything and everyone in their way. *The Doktor alongside a group of corrupted politicians arrive to a vital location.* Domination, obliteration, that's what they seek. We're going to be heroes. *Notable Rune-Midgarts residents fight in the ancient city of Glast Heim against interdimensional enemies.*

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