Making A Fake Kira

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The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 14: Making A Fake Kira

Date: January 12th, 2024

Don Thousand just stares at Light: "You continue to try to defy me. However, what you don't realize is-" "Are you about to say you let me kill you so that you could return stronger than before to overpower and outsmart me before absorbing me and all of the Death Notes to further your plans of multiverse conquest?" "Mortal, you are proving to be more difficult than I expected." "Hahahaha! I dare you to try to kill me now now that you know I have anticipated your every move! In fact, I knew this exact situation would occur this entire time! That's why I agreed to work with you, Don Thousand! It was all in order to outplay you and kill you in the end! I won't allow you to revive yourself again!" Matsuda exclaims: "Hey, shouldn't we get involved in this too?" Tsunade shakes her head: "That's a bad idea. We need to wait for our other comrades to arrive as well as ensure more of us are brought back to life first." L nods: "That's the best plan at the moment. I don't possess superhuman abilities like you do but my deductive skills are something else. If we were to get involved in the fight now, our odds of winning would be much lower. If we let Don Thousand and his former subordinates fight it out, our chances of beating whoever remains standing in the end increases. It's really interesting. For now, let's stay over here. If we are attacked, none of us should engage unless that attack gets life threatening. We can't let the enemy bait us into an unfair situation. I am also interested in observing the behavioral patterns of our enemies in order to better learn their strengths and weaknesses. Now that Kira has more than just several Death Notes and subordinates, he has become a foe far too dangerous for even me to outsmart and catch at this point." Mello grits his teeth: "Damn it! I want to get in there and kill Light Yagami! He killed you, L!" Near replies: "That's enough, Mello. Now is not the time to be rash and compulsive. Right now, it's best to play the waiting game for as long as possible." I position myself in front of most of us: "In order to help achieve that goal, I will stand here as a shield to protect you all."

Watari nods in approval: "This is a solid plan. After all, the enemy has us outnumbered, outgunned, and is much stronger than our combined strength." Soichiro sighs: "Light.. Why did you have to turn out this way?" I speak again as the clash begins with Eggman's robots attacking Don Thousand along with a bunch of Cell Jrs and Saibamen: "His intentions started out good but as always when someone is suddenly given a lot of power but doesn't learn how to properly use it responsibly, it changed him. While it's true some of the people that are locked up in many universes deserve to die, not all do. Instead of giving criminals a chance to redeem themselves, he killed them. Eventually, it drove him mad. The fear, the power, the intent to destroy evil. All of it warped him. He kills evil people without seeing a chance for change within them. His killings reduced the crime rate substantially. However, it's worth mentioning that instead of uprooting the causes of crimes, he chose to instead kill those who commit them without really understanding why people commit crimes. To get what he wanted, he was willing to sacrifice innocent people/people who didn't really do anything too bad. Shoplifting is generally a crime that's far less severe than most other crimes. If he wanted to change things, he should have tried being an activist first as well as opposing the capitalist economic system which itself is tied to authoritarianism: especially fascism. He should have opposed misogyny, conservatism, and more as well. Many people who commit crimes do it out of desperation. Others are scumbags taught to be scum by the very society they were raised in. Or there's something really wrong with them on the inside like with pedos and zoophiles. People are rarely ever born monsters."

"You're saying society is that corrupt and the economic system is part of why? I find it hard to believe." L speaks up: "Swiftdrawer is not wrong. I've solved many difficult cases that even the police could not solve. I even figured out Light was Kira all along. The reason crimes like sexual assault happen is because societies worldwide do not treat women the same way as they do men nor do they effectively teach about compassion or consent. If it weren't for that, I doubt Light Yagami would have begun calling himself a god. He wouldn't have killed as many criminals." Near nods: "It's also noteworthy to bring up the fact a small minority of people dictate how our entire world operates. The president of the United States like a true coward gave into Kira not long after I first contacted Light. People are complex. That's true but as always, a few greedy people hold most of the power. It may not seem that way but Kira's cult proves my point. They want Light's word to become the law of the entire world. And I can't agree to just having one person dictate what's right and wrong for every single human being in this world. Some of what Light has said to others does make sense and I have to agree on some of his points. But his methods for changing society to becoming less cruel have gone too far." I nod: "It has gone into downright tyranny. Let me share how we do things or more specifically, how I do things. If someone is too dangerous to be kept alive and can't be reformed, I seek to kill them as soon as possible. I try to make it quick and silent. If there is room for an enemy to change or they aren't as dangerous, I send them off to a survival island from which there's virtually no escape. But again, how dangerous they are plays a role. I try to talk enemies out of being cruel sometimes but of course, not all are willing to change. That's the dilemma. Killing someone should only be done if there's really no other choice that will prevent harm. In BRAINS, we aim to only interfere in other universes when necessary."

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