The Multiverse's Destruction

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The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 12: The Multiverse's Destruction

Date: December 9th, 2023

Mizar replies: "We won't back down against you! Not after everything you've done over thousands of years!" He laughs coldly: "Even if you engage in battle with me, it will do you no good. Resistance is futile. You can only watch as the multiverse becomes one supreme world at long last. You can't hide any universes from me. Swiftdrawer tried to protect your universes from me. However, at this moment in time, they are quickly being corrupted and will soon become a part of my empire in this one world. The only world that should exist: the Ultimate Barian World. No other worlds need to exist. Only this world and my supreme rule over it. You have crushed all of my subordinates as well as those I enticed to work with me for the time being. But that does not matter to me. They were all pawns I put in place to distract all of you as I made final preparations to spread my influence throughout every single remaining universe. Not even the Dreamverse will be able to escape. Nor will the Nexus or the afterlife realms." Abstractoa speaks: "What you are speaking of is something even I could not accomplish with my power. Don Thousand, just what have you done?" "Amusing. Not even the Guardian of Creativity understands how I have been able to accomplish this. As more universes become part of my empire, my power only grows. And as it grows, it reaches out further and further into the multiverse to bring over more life forms to my side." The strongest of us try to attack him but nothing happens. "Are you done trying? Even if you are not, I once again tell you that resistance is pointless. I have become far more powerful than any other god. Slowly, the Nexus is beginning to come more and more under my control. As a result, the influence of you gods is starting to weaken. My conquest of the multiverse continues to accelerate."

Seiya shouts: "Damn it! If we can't do anything here, there must be sometjing we can do somewhere else!" A lot of us nod in agreement and prepare to look around the multiverse. However, we find ourselves unable to leave Don Thousand's castle. The Light appears and sighs: "Even I cannot stop him." The Balance appears and concurs: "This is a crisis that has forced us to fully intervene but our efforts have done nothing." The Odin of the world of Rune-Midgarts appears with a resigned expression. No one who has played Ragnarok Origin has ever seen his face. My Midgardian counterpart gasps and kneels in respect: "Lord Odin!" All matters of transportation are attempted to get at least one of us out but nothing works. Not even a black hole, wormhole, or time machine. Starlight Glimmer exclaims: "This can't be happening! There has to be a way out of here!" The Flash replies: "No dice. I can run as fast as I can but I still won't be let out even with the power of the Speed Force." Suddenly, many more individuals appear including every single god ever. That includes other versions of Odin and Athena. Osiris The Sky Dragon speaks: "Mortals and fellow gods, we have come here to lend our aid in a final bid to stop Don Thousand." The Paranormal Liberation Front also show up. Shigaraki looks angry: "This isn't what I signed up for! To be thrown away like trash by the person I've chosen to bow to! Don Thousand! Why didn't you keep your promise of letting us have full control over our own universe?!" Brainiac speaks: "Because he has no reason to keep any promises he has made. I saw this coming and still chose to oppose the heroes with all of you because I wanted to still get my revenge on Superman at the very least." Lex Luthor nods: "He's right, you know? I only took Don Thousand's deal to make him think I wasn't working behind his back. I fed all of the information I could to the others working with him."

Toga laughs: "Oh how I want Don Thousand's blood!" Twice raises an eyebrow: "Wait.. Toga, you're a genius! We can absolutely use Don Thousand's own power against him! He may be a god but he isn't all knowing! Lex Luthor proved that!" Don Thousand claps slowly: "All of you are so clever. But I am all knowing. How? My influence continues to grow throughout the multiverse and a certain god HAD followers in many universes where Earth exists." Athena replies: "What are you saying, Don Thousand?!" "There are multiple versions of that god. Due to universes where that god has no influence but is still worshipped, a version exists in the Dreamverse. Or did until I absorbed that version." He then shows us the severed heads of other versions of that god. "I have killed and absorbed the others as well. Due to what humans said of this god, I have gained the power to be all knowing. There isn't anything you know that I don't know. I knew some of my subordinates and others I recruited would turn against me. *The Plot appears* And even that the most powerful known individual would appear here at this very moment with their own subordinates. However, my imagination was elevated thanks to that god. And as a result, I will now always be stronger than even The Plot." The Plot replies: "I knew this would eventually take place once again. You are all knowing but so am I. And I know how all of this will end. You will conquer the multiverse only for a series of events to occur that eventually renders this entire plot of yours a complete failure. And in about a month, a campaign to conquer the multiverse again will really begin in the Death Note universe." "I know you know that. And because I even know what you know, no one can stop me. The ultimate battle will never occur now." "Once again, I know you know I know. You will still fail."

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